Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
They planned a short stroll outside of the cars. Same thing they did with Obama. Bush 43's ride got pelted with eggs.
I think that tradition started with Jimmy Carter, who wanted to show he was a man of the people after the Nixon clusterfuck.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I think Ivanka wears color contacts. Either that or she had some kind of procedure. Her eyes weren't green before.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
cant be true, is it??

wild world. was it someone dangerous? or someone entirely just trying to show their unacceptance and expecting to go to jail and get a record/fine?
There are rioters throughout the city. (I'd call them protesters - but once you cross the line and become destructive your movement is no longer political). Arrests are at around 100 right now. Rocks have been thrown at police. Windows to storefronts have been broken. Areas have been blocked by demonstrators to prevent access by people wishing to see the ceremonies.

It's pretty sad, but not all that surprising.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
So far this is my favorite picture of the inauguration snowflakes



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
The media definitely succeeded in firing all these people up. The guy has done absolutely nothing yet. Nothing.

But he's a fascist. And a bigot. And a racist. A threat to the LBGBTSYBGSS community and their rights. A tyrant. He's Hitler. He's Stalin. He's buddies with the KKK. He's Putin's puppet. He is Satan personified.

I have no idea what kind of president he'll be - but you gotta give him a fucking chance to fail before you can get pissed off.

If he starts fucking up and doing dumb shit - by all means, raise some fucking hell. I'll be right there with ya.


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
L @Big Meanie Kingtony87 @Kingtony87 its his character. he's just got a bigger heart than either trump, obama, or clinton. if u sit down with them for a beer, some of them would just wait for u to finish so they could speak. that might even be too generous. they might just interrupt you. or maybe they would listen and respond half heartedly, since they dont really have anything to gain from you

but G.W. would have half a smirk on already as you started talking simply bc its great to be alive

and he would listen. his response may be insane. but it would be filled with love


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
I used to hate him so much, now I think he's one of the coolest old dudes ever. I would love to meet him and hang out for an hour or two. I bet he's hilarious.
if u have any buddies on wall street at angelo gordon, curious to know if he still rolls up. around 09/10, he mustve had some money with them, because my buddy said he was there a few times, laughing his way down the hallways


Feb 2, 2016
L @Big Meanie Kingtony87 @Kingtony87 its his character. he's just got a bigger heart than either trump, obama, or clinton. if u sit down with them for a beer, some of them would just wait for u to finish so they could speak. that might even be too generous. they might just interrupt you. or maybe they would listen and respond half heartedly, since they dont really have anything to gain from you

but G.W. would have half a smirk on already as you started talking simply bc its great to be alive

and he would listen. his response may be insane. but it would be filled with love
I agree. I think he gets a bad rap. The market crashed with the dot com bubble before he got in office. Then 9/11 and everything after. I feel he got overwhelmed and steam rolled by cheney. He wasn't a great president nor was he a terrible one. But I do feel that at least during my life time there hasn't been a more genuine guy to have the office. Or one that cared for Americas people as much. I've heard and read nothing but high praise from people and service men that have come into contact with him.

Deleted member 1

Our communist detractors have been learning from our meme game...

>*>*HW Bush and his wife are hospitalized

>*>*his sons are worried

>*>*they're hoping their parents will make it through okay

>*>*The ACA gets undone in the meantime

>*>*HW can no longer afford proper medical care

>*>*he dies

>*>*the shock is enough to push Jeb! over the edge, leading to disillusionment with the status quo

>*>*Jeb! finally takes arms and leads the people's revolt that we've been memeing about

>*>*Initially looks like Bernie will join him

>*>*then Bernie tries to backstab Jeb! with the knife that he used to kill Rosa Luxemburg

>*>*his old age, however, makes him slow and vulnerable

>*>*Jeb! realizes this and blocks the attack

>*>*turns the knife around on Bernie

>*>*stabs him

>*>*with Bernie bleeding out, Jeb! leans in and whispers some final words

>*>*"Please die."

>*>*mfw Comrade Jeb! becomes General-Secretary of the Socialist States of America


Deleted member 1

Hey how did you know that Trump was gonna win when even RW media had all but given up? that positive mind thing or just a gut feel?

Check the old thread where we are looking at the poll internals.

They were all bullshit. The only good polls showed a neck and neck race with a chance for an electoral win. Then follow that with the increased Trump pace at the end and the Hillary hiding away. It was always going to be a neck and neck race and it was a change year with a terrible Dem candidate.

The bad polls, many many.... All were based on over sampling Dems at rates higher than Obama Dem turn out in 2008. You really thought Hillary was gonna pull that turnout as the Dems are dying (becoming independents)?? Not a damn chance.