That's a huge move on shields since Danis started around -700Checking lines. 5d late significant money is on: Stipe (10 to 20 point movement), Joanna (20 to 30 pt movement), Knight (10+ point movement), Polo (aka Pollo according to Joe Rogan lol) Reyes (30+ point movement, but he's +300, so that's a smaller percentage), Casey (20 point move), Benitez (10 to 20 point move), Coulter (10 points, but steady 40+ point movement over a few days).
Miyao finally moved, & I think Shields might've as well. Miyao is -350 from -305 over the course of the day. Not sure about Shields, but I think Danis (now -280) was at least -310 to start the day.
I'd doYahtzee -- confirmed on Stipe & Poirier. Thanks for the bets, good sir.
Still open for biz 1 bet Alvarez & 2 bets (i.e. units of 10) on Sherman & Cortney.
Am on the same side of that last one as you@Wild.
Coulter my $10 to your $11 on Sherman
Aguilar my $10 to your $12 on Casey
Line has moved more in Casey favor
I'm going with Skelly but it too much of a coin flip to bet on