WME-IMG invites UFC roster to Las Vegas this weekend for ‘retreat’

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014

A large chunk of the UFC roster will descend upon Las Vegas this weekend, and it won’t be for a fight.

WME|IMG, the new owners of the UFC, have invited the entire roster to Vegas for what they’re calling the “2017 UFC Athlete Retreat.” While every fighter was asked to attend, those with conflicting schedules are exempt. All travel expenses will be paid by the UFC.

“This event represents a unique opportunity for you to interact with your fellow athletes, UFC staff and your new ownership group, while hearing from a wide variety of experts across sports, entertainment and business,” an e-mail sent to the fighters earlier this week stated.

While WME|IMG co-CEOs Ari Emanuel and Patrick Whitesell have attended events since buying the promotion last summer, they’ve yet to meet with the majority of the roster in an official capacity. This weekend could represent the first opportunity to do so.

WME|IMG invites UFC roster to Las Vegas this weekend for ‘retreat’

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
I have a feeling that this should have happened sooner.

Although... Maybe this is the right time since they've made a shit ton of changes in the last year.

The Sound of Violence

Host of a podcast about mma podcasts
Oct 28, 2015
They're "inviting" fighters to the retreat the same way police officers "invite" you to step out of the car.



The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
If it's a retreat, the should call it the Bisping Expedition.

I kid.

Or do I?
Last edited:


Jan 28, 2015
Or send criminals a letter saying they won a prize/money and to claim it at x location on a certain day so they can make a group arrest
Can we do that and instead of prize money we can say we have virgins and maybe attract a certain group to round up and...

so long

Posting Machine
Dec 16, 2015
- "Okay guys, welcome bla bla"
- "You know, my manager would have really liked to come, as well. How come managers are excempt?"
- "Oh well, you know, this is just for you fighters... Oh right, before we start, - could you guys all just sign this piece of paper that's in front of you real quick, so we get the formalities out of the way... Great!"


Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
How many guys are we talking here? The seating arrangements alone will be a HUGE headache. Fights will be breaking out in the seats, Diaz brothers throwing waterbottles...


The Unintentional Voice of Reason
Oct 18, 2015
Well well well, the most organized PED busting ever is finally here, being it a retreat it sounds like they are forced to go on


TMMAC Addict
Jun 13, 2016
If this doesn't end in the biggest unorganised mass brawl of all time it's been a waste.

Video please


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
funny how they have "invited" but only those with scheduling conflict is exempt... Independent contractors my ass..employees all the way.


Posting Machine
Oct 10, 2016
The first time they had one of these things, they announced limited healthcare, dental, and life insurance. So it went over pretty well, in spite of everything.

Unless you have some good news to give the fighters though, these things are dumb.

Otherwise these things can be done on a much smaller scale at intervals, say with 50 fighters at a time at the fighters' convenience, and with a few coaches and managers in the mix as well. The fighters would be more receptive to it, and at the same time both the fighters and owners will get to know each other better than if you have 500 fighters in the same place at once.

The way this has been done has been to maximize the owner's convenience at the expense of anything practical that they hope to accomplish other than maybe a power display.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Reed Harris has been taking care of him. He's da real mvp.

This is why video is needed. To watch the fighters & managers as they subtly try to move away from Ragin' Al, lest they be photographed looking friendly with him before the unforgiving, vengeful gaze of Big Ari's Brother.