it was totally my fault ive come to realize after this card disappeared....i would get online and rush everything on tycoon as ive had little time. between answering all the messages ive received, trying to make sure no ones inactivity clause lapses, and trying to book events i completely forgot to actually BOOK the arenas. (before i would wing it and just guess which arena was good for the event) but recently decided to wait till cards were mostly set and see what tycoon tools told me the attendance would be and THEN book the arena...well that was my mistake cause i totally forgot i didnt BOOK it! soooo all of that was 100% my fault and i apologize.Quick question - These events that are disappearing. Are those events being held in Sydney or in another city?
so i had all these cards thinking arenas were set (since thats what i did the first 15 cards or so) and they werent so they just canceled.
i told jim all youve taught me about booking events, so hes going to take care of it and hopefully these problems are in the past.