Personal ENOUGH ALREADY with the god damn Miami jokes

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member 3289

There are a few of you who think it's funny to say that I am from Miami when this is no laughing matter.

First, this is my current location:

As you can see, I am a good distance north of Miami. It's about 45-75 minutes by car depending on the time of day.

What's more, I DON'T EVEN LIVE IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. I live in Broward County, which is just north of MDC. While my county is included in the wider "Miami Metropolitan Area", I do not, have not, and will never live in the city of Miami or even in MDC.

Why does this bother me so much? Why do I not want to be associated with Miami?

Too many reasons to list, but here are some:

- Miami traffic is shit and the drivers are terrible. Most are tourists, migrants, or immigrants from other states or countries and should not be given drivers licenses.

- Miami-Dade County is about as unorganized as a county can be. In Broward and Palm Beach counties, we've got our shit together. It's the small things like motion sensors in the road to activate traffic lights, clear traffic signs, wide roads to accommodate densely populated areas, and overall sensible governance.

- the Miami Heat

- Pitbull, Rick Ross, and DJ Khaled

The closest major city to me is Fort Lauderdale. It's big enough for people from North America to be familiar with. Though I don't actually live in Fort Lauderdale, I'm OK if you want to say I'm from there. It's in my county and it doesn't have even half the problems of the city I'm not from.

So please, please just fucking stop. Despite my baseball and football allegiances, it is very insulting to say I'm from that shithole to the south.

Thanks in advance, guys.

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Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Moons over my hammy is one of my favourite names for a meal that I've run across

Deleted member 1

Too many reasons to list, but here are some:

- Miami traffic is shit and the drivers are terrible. Most are tourists, migrants, or immigrants from other states or countries and should not be given drivers licenses.

- Miami-Dade County is about as unorganized as a county can be. In Broward and Palm Beach counties, we've got our shit together. It's the small things like motion sensors in the road to activate traffic lights, clear traffic signs, wide roads to accommodate densely populated areas, and overall sensible governance.

- the Miami Heat

- Pitbull, Rick Ross, and DJ Khaled

Sure seems like you know a lot about miami

member 3289

Have you ever been to a Miami dolphins American football game?
Of course I have.

Hard Rock Stadium (as it's now called) was built in Miami Gardens in north Miami-Dade county (on the Dade-Broward county line, right off a major highway) so that people from the two northern counties wouldn't have to go deep into the jungle to watch their team play.

member 3289

Just FYI guys a mod edited my OP.

THIS is the original picture in the spoiler:

I'll take a screenshot of this post in case I'm sabotaged again.

member 3289

Here's a map of the state of Florida for anyone unfamiliar: