Hey bud...You fight.Khabib please make weight and delimb this guy
You think McGregor finishes Ferguson?
Hey bud...You fight.Khabib please make weight and delimb this guy
He's not "wrecking" Tony and the dude has never once defended a beltConor wrecks either one of them...
I feel a bet coming onI'm not gonna lie...I love Tony...But the truth is...Precision....He is wild...Conor catches him easily and knocks him out clean.
Enjoy the belt while you have it.
I would willingly bet 500 dollars.I feel a bet coming on
Much purple haze will be blown tonighteddie bravo is loving it
Yeah, rough weight cut, staph, and first five round fight all worked against his cardio. You can tell he was burning nervous energy too, the way he got too excited when he hurt Tony in the first and charged him and then when he lost his temper and threw the late shot at the end of the round when Tony was talking shit off his back. He needs to get his head right.Happens when you're tired.
You apparently have much more confidence than I do lolI would willingly bet 500 dollars.
Screenshot this. I rarely bet...But when I do I win...Just ask@teamquestnorth
WoahI would willingly bet 500 dollars.
Screenshot this. I rarely bet...But when I do I win...Just ask@teamquestnorth
You know Tony is just outclassed in the smack talk area.mcnugget
that is so basic but pretty damn funny
If you are using the term "purple haze" as a code name for black men, you would be correct.Much purple haze will be blown tonight
Ya, conor/Nate is for the intermlol, this belt Tony won don't mean shit cuz Conor/Nate is probably the next fight
He is just stating the obvious. Tony will never, ever, get a shot at conor. He can either make money in the meantime, or sit on the bench for a year before realizing this.Did DC really just suggest Conor fight Diaz again while Ferguson "defends" a "belt" against Khabib....
That's some bullshit.
We could take one of those zeros away from the 500 lolIf the fight happens I will bet and screenshot it.
wouldn't have wagered my hard earned virtual money if I knew he had a staph infectionThank you@Truck Party for taking the fight, despite Kevin's staff infection, you're a true warrior.
I've got nothing but respect for you, we're cut from the same cloth, but when it comes to getting the job done, you know I had to do what I had to do.
You were a game bettor, but I was just a better bettor tonight.