IMG/GIF Various Maps of Syria/Iraq

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member 3289

LOL it's like one of them was telling me online the other day, 'we're the natives now'.

But don't worry, they help just about any old invading empire that comes along, yours isn't unique, it's just the latest.
They're moderate Muslims who have shown themselves not only to be very cooperative and capable allies but also quite democratic.

We can sing songs about all the dead Assyrians or we can make allies of the most reasonable people currently occupying the region.

I choose the latter.


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
"We have made a clean sweep of the Armenians and Assyrians of Azerbaijan" -- Those were the words of Djevdet Bey, the governor of Van Province in Ottoman Turkey, who on April 24, 1915 lead 20,000 Turkish soldiers and 10,000 Kurdish irregulars in the opening act of the genocide of Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks.

Between 1915 and 1918 750,000 Assyrians (75%), 500,000 Greeks and 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks and Kurds in a genocide that aimed at and nearly succeeded in destroying the Christian communities in the Ottoman Empire.

Assyrian International News Agency
And they still have the same Islamofascist ambitions today.

member 3289

Hawija and the surrounding area have been retaken, leaving ISIS only an area of land in the southwest and a small area across the border from Deir al-Zour province in Syria.

Meanwhile, Baghdad has given Iraqi Kurdistan until 23:00 GMT today to withdraw from Kirkuk, while Kurdish Peshmerga have been ordered to defend the city "at any cost".

member 3289

It appears the Peshmerga have decided to abandon Kirkuk rather than defend it against Iraqi government forces.


member 3289

Wait the Kurds are gonna fight the Iraqis?
I thought it possible, but it appears the Kurds have decided against it.

Unless the Iraqi army goes into one of the official Kurdish provinces (which they won't do), a fight between Iraqi forces and Kurdish Peshmerga seems unlikely.


Jan 28, 2015
Im not someone who is really educated on all this stuff so let me ask this.

Obama in 8 years made ISIS, and made ISIS worse

Trump in 1 year almost defeats them completely?

is that right?


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Im not someone who is really educated on all this stuff so let me ask this.

Obama in 8 years made ISIS, and made ISIS worse

Trump in 1 year almost defeats them completely?

is that right?
No. That's laughably wrong. ISIS territory has been declining in size since 2014. They've been losing for a long time now, and no strategy has changed under Trump. The U.S. are assisting two of the main enemies of ISIS in their fight against them. Iraq from the start and the SDF/YPG from late 2014.

It's not a case of Trump came in and did something different and now ISIS are defeated, it's that they were being defeated for a long time and reached crisis point as Trump came into office.

member 3289

No. That's laughably wrong. ISIS territory has been declining in size since 2014. They've been losing for a long time now, and no strategy has changed under Trump. The U.S. are assisting two of the main enemies of ISIS in their fight against them. Iraq from the start and the SDF/YPG from late 2014.

It's not a case of Trump came in and did something different and now ISIS are defeated, it's that they were being defeated for a long time and reached crisis point as Trump came into office.
And if we really want to get into it, George W Bush is the one responsible for the creation of ISIS.

member 3289

Turkey has launched a military campaign against Kurdish YPG forces in an attempt to clear them from the Afrin area all the way to Manbij.

With IS all but gone, the predictable aftermath fighting has started.

Turkey considers the YPG terrorists and an extension of the PKK, but the YPG and the US both deny this.

Turkey is a NATO ally and the YPG have been huge U.S. allies against Islamic State.

Russia has pulled its forces back from Afrin but has said it will not intervene. It'll be interesting to see how Washington responds.

member 3289

Historically, they will turn their backs and leave them on their own.
I don't know how much of it will be turning their backs though. We don't have a political relationship with the YPG (it is strictly a military one) because we don't want to risk offending Turkey.

The recent establishment of a US-backed border security force bt the YPG-dominated SDF reportedly infuriated the Turks.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
I don't know how much of it will be turning their backs though. We don't have a political relationship with the YPG (it is strictly a military one) because we don't want to risk offending Turkey.

The recent establishment of a US-backed border security force bt the YPG-dominated SDF reportedly infuriated the Turks.
I think we need to drop some bombs on Turkey for these acts of aggression. Turkey is offended all by itself, and has their own agenda. And here we have it.

member 3289

I think we need to drop some bombs on Turkey for these acts of aggression. Turkey is offended all by itself, and has their own agenda. And here we have it.
NATO ally, not gonna happen

I agree with you though


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Turkey has launched a military campaign against Kurdish YPG forces in an attempt to clear them from the Afrin area all the way to Manbij.

With IS all but gone, the predictable aftermath fighting has started.

Turkey considers the YPG terrorists and an extension of the PKK, but the YPG and the US both deny this.

Turkey is a NATO ally and the YPG have been huge U.S. allies against Islamic State.

Russia has pulled its forces back from Afrin but has said it will not intervene. It'll be interesting to see how Washington responds.
U.S. aren't going to intervene in Afrin. Tillerson said the other day that U.S. interests are only by the Euphrates.