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For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
That is what I don’t understand about transgenderism. If you’re an adult of course live anyway you want, but I don’t understand how someone can be defined as transgendered as a child. Isn’t it largely hormones that define our biological sex? How can someone who hasn’t hit puberty yet feel like they are of the other gender?
They learn it from social media.

We called it the tom boy stage. When I was that age I dressed in boy clothes on the weekends. Started getting into motorcycles, tried to hunt but failed (couldn't pull the trigger), going mudding, even weightlifting etc. I never was into girls though. But I did have a girl hit on me at that age. I was at a sleep over at her house. That was traumatic.

Tbh, I don't know if we can even comprehend their mentality on these things.


Posting Machine
Oct 21, 2015
Trashy girls and kids watching porn isn't new. They're just so much more accessible now. The 13YO girl who used to grab your dick in a darkened room now texts everybody noods. Your friend's older brother's VHS tape is now streaming everywhere.

I have no girls, but the female friends of my oldest son are 12 and 13 years old. The time for us to have these talks is now.
Jan 21, 2015
you guys are freakin me out for realz

I am still totally naive about what my daughter knows, lol but agree I've seen a weird and sudden explosion of trans and bi/gay trending among teens. I teach a few groups of teens on Saturdays and the discussions are bizarre

She hasn't even hit puberty yet. I think its possible to instill a certain value/respect for sex, not to take it lightly, respect the many consequences. I remember my mom giving me a good talkin about how if I knocked someone up it would kill her, lol. I remember seeing girls I was good friends with getting pregnant in like grade 9 and it legit freaked me the fuck out.

Yet today's entertainment/MSM is pushing sex all the time; sex without procreation, and procreation without sex

Once we see the 2 as being connected I think its not a leap to expect our kids to have a little more restraint. We will see, lol

About the porn, yes that is a confusing issue for parents but must admit it probably kept me out of a lot of trouble :D

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I usually bang girls in their early 20s. Most aren't really freaky and prefer straight up sex.


Jul 20, 2016
My son has started talking about killing himself at the age of 4. "Kill myself, I'm going to kill myself, just kill myself" etc. Once he figured out it upset me and that he's not allowed to say that, he kept doing it, of course. On top of that he's been trying to kill bugs, even ones that are where they're supposed to be, like an ant crawling outside (this is a recent change in behavior).

I've been talking to him about it like it's a serious thing, it doesn't mean what he thinks it does, dead means gone forever, it makes us cry when someone is dead, etc. I made him watch Charlotte's Web (made it through about half). We talked about protecting those that are smaller and weaker, like superheroes do. Etc.

So this morning he asked me if he could watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. This is when I realized that when Lucy wants to hold the football for Charlie Brown so she can pull it away at the last second, he says something like, "you just want me to miss and fall on my back and kill myself." I cannot begin to express my relief, and also how kind of funny it was. My son looked at me and said, "He's not allowed to say that."

Of course, it's the season, so he's probably watched it a hundred times at home, and I know they showed it to the kids during the after school program too. So I had this big discussion with him that probably went mostly over his head about what it means to exaggerate, and not to talk about killing, and if he says it again, he won't be allowed to watch CHARLIE BROWN anymore. Smh.

And the bug thing, his teacher told me this morning, came from another kid who is not with him anymore, who was a real vicious bug killer, and he's just mimicking that behavior as well. I of course, with all this killing, thought my son was having a major problem, but the two things are probably not even connected in his mind.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
My son has started talking about killing himself at the age of 4. "Kill myself, I'm going to kill myself, just kill myself" etc. Once he figured out it upset me and that he's not allowed to say that, he kept doing it, of course. On top of that he's been trying to kill bugs, even ones that are where they're supposed to be, like an ant crawling outside (this is a recent change in behavior).

I've been talking to him about it like it's a serious thing, it doesn't mean what he thinks it does, dead means gone forever, it makes us cry when someone is dead, etc. I made him watch Charlotte's Web (made it through about half). We talked about protecting those that are smaller and weaker, like superheroes do. Etc.

So this morning he asked me if he could watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. This is when I realized that when Lucy wants to hold the football for Charlie Brown so she can pull it away at the last second, he says something like, "you just want me to miss and fall on my back and kill myself." I cannot begin to express my relief, and also how kind of funny it was. My son looked at me and said, "He's not allowed to say that."

Of course, it's the season, so he's probably watched it a hundred times at home, and I know they showed it to the kids during the after school program too. So I had this big discussion with him that probably went mostly over his head about what it means to exaggerate, and not to talk about killing, and if he says it again, he won't be allowed to watch CHARLIE BROWN anymore. Smh.

And the bug thing, his teacher told me this morning, came from another kid who is not with him anymore, who was a real vicious bug killer, and he's just mimicking that behavior as well. I of course, with all this killing, thought my son was having a major problem, but the two things are probably not even connected in his mind.
Wow, a scary story for sure. Don't start worrying unless he would do it with small anomals. Me and my brother killed thousands of bugs in our day. I still can remember the purge of '83. Boys will be boys. Glad everything turned out fine. We want our kids happy, especially at that age, you here about kids killing themselves and it is heartbreaking.

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
My daughter is 18 months and for some reason she's really gotten into the movie Annie (original one 1982). I'm not complaining I think it's a good movie for a young girl to watch. The best thing about it is there is a scene at the beginning where some boys are teasing a stray dog and Annie beats them up. My daughter loves this scene. One of the boys throws a punch at Annie, she ducks and then knocks him out with body shots. When Annie ducks, my daughter ducks and then she makes punching noises for the body shots.


Look at the head movement on this kid!!! Look at her rolling her shoulders!!! This kid is going to be the champ!!!
Last edited:


Jul 20, 2016
My son just unfortunately got the batman mash 'em (squishy little toy) from this set:

And unfortunately the outfit really is blue. And my son started carrying on that batman is supposed to be black, I don't want a silly batman, blue batman is a bad guy batman, etc. My husband tried showing him some funny clips of Adam West in his costume, but it didn't work. My son then pulled me into the bedroom, flopped back on his bed, and started talking to me very seriously about how he needs a black batman. He reiterated several times that blue batman is a bad guy.

Just letting you all know.


Jul 20, 2016

Weekly ER visit
I hope everything is ok.

If it's good for a laugh, we are still discussing this:
Him: They didn't do a good job making that Batman mash 'em.

Me: Would you like to write a letter to the company and tell them they should make a black Batman?

Him: No. I want a police officer to write them a ticket.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
I hope everything is ok.

If it's good for a laugh, we are still discussing this:
Him: They didn't do a good job making that Batman mash 'em.

Me: Would you like to write a letter to the company and tell them they should make a black Batman?

Him: No. I want a police officer to write them a ticket.
You better be finding him a black batman lol

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
On our way to the pool my kids (6&8) ask "dad whats a pimp?"

*Turns up radio volume*



For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Allowed my teenage boy to stay out of school because of a zit on his forehead.



Posting Machine
Oct 21, 2015
Pre-teen son came home from school the other day upset that his friends were giving him the business about some dumb kid shit. I told him that he can't act like it bothers him and instead should fire back at them, because that's just a normal way for male friends to interact. It makes no sense to him.

He's too nice for his own good. Got to nip that shit in the bud right now.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Pre-teen son came home from school the other day upset that his friends were giving him the business about some dumb kid shit. I told him that he can't act like it bothers him and instead should fire back at them, because that's just a normal way for male friends to interact. It makes no sense to him.

He's too nice for his own good. Got to nip that shit in the bud right now.
What's his niche?


Posting Machine
Oct 21, 2015
This was generic lockerroom stuff about basketball. He's the starting PG on the JV team because he's the best ball handler and perimeter defender by far, but he doesn't score a lot so they rib him about it.


Apr 18, 2015
My son has started talking about killing himself at the age of 4. "Kill myself, I'm going to kill myself, just kill myself" etc. Once he figured out it upset me and that he's not allowed to say that, he kept doing it, of course. On top of that he's been trying to kill bugs, even ones that are where they're supposed to be, like an ant crawling outside (this is a recent change in behavior).

I've been talking to him about it like it's a serious thing, it doesn't mean what he thinks it does, dead means gone forever, it makes us cry when someone is dead, etc. I made him watch Charlotte's Web (made it through about half). We talked about protecting those that are smaller and weaker, like superheroes do. Etc.

So this morning he asked me if he could watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. This is when I realized that when Lucy wants to hold the football for Charlie Brown so she can pull it away at the last second, he says something like, "you just want me to miss and fall on my back and kill myself." I cannot begin to express my relief, and also how kind of funny it was. My son looked at me and said, "He's not allowed to say that."

Of course, it's the season, so he's probably watched it a hundred times at home, and I know they showed it to the kids during the after school program too. So I had this big discussion with him that probably went mostly over his head about what it means to exaggerate, and not to talk about killing, and if he says it again, he won't be allowed to watch CHARLIE BROWN anymore. Smh.

And the bug thing, his teacher told me this morning, came from another kid who is not with him anymore, who was a real vicious bug killer, and he's just mimicking that behavior as well. I of course, with all this killing, thought my son was having a major problem, but the two things are probably not even connected in his mind.
My daughter says this from time to time too thinking it's hilarious. The Charlie Brown connection is good investigating.