On Thursday morning, UFC heavyweight Travis Browne became allegedly involved the latest case of domestic abuse in Mixed Martial Arts, as his partner Jenna Renee Webb took to Instagram to reveal deep bruising visible after the abuse.
"Probably one of the hardest decisions I've ever made was walking away from this life and starting over," Renee said in the caption along with the photographs. "I'm still ashamed for staying as long as I did. #domesticviolenceawareness."
According to Webb, a fitness model known for her work with MuscleTech, the incident occurred back in February, yet she never acted upon it because she was interested in salvaging the marriage and hoping that he changes for the better. While she eventually decided to take a stand against domestic violence, she still does not plan to press charges.
"I did what I felt in my heart that I had to do to deliver a message to other people that are being abused and other people that he may potentially abuse in the future," Webb told TMZ Sports. "I do not plan on pressing charges. I've prayed for a long time that he would become a better person, and I will continue to pray for him in hopes that he can make changes and salvage a life for him and his boys."
LINK to full story: Browne’s wife speaks out on domestic violence incident, does not plan to press charges - Bloody Elbow