I'm not offended! Disagreement or hesitance to judge isn't inherently offensive, at least not to me. It's good to talk about this stuff from all sides, I think. I'll reiterate that not only do I not know what went down here, I acknowledge that people, relationships, conflicts, coping skills, self control, self worth, anger issues etc. are fucking complicated and intertwined. Mostly I just feel sad for everyone involved. Just wanted to express that I can imagine why someone would do what she did when it maybe seems crazy or unjustified to some.I don't condone abuse - physical or mental - never have...... But can we hear both sides of this? And by the way,@FionaO you put together some good posts, so I'm not trying to offend you, just want to hear the truth in this as it's all been one sided.........unless I've missed some comments from Mr Browne
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