Travis Browne’s wife speaks out on domestic violence incident

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You're all on steroids.
May 14, 2015
I don't condone abuse - physical or mental - never have...... But can we hear both sides of this? And by the way, FeeO @FionaO you put together some good posts, so I'm not trying to offend you, just want to hear the truth in this as it's all been one sided.........unless I've missed some comments from Mr Browne
I'm not offended! Disagreement or hesitance to judge isn't inherently offensive, at least not to me. It's good to talk about this stuff from all sides, I think. I'll reiterate that not only do I not know what went down here, I acknowledge that people, relationships, conflicts, coping skills, self control, self worth, anger issues etc. are fucking complicated and intertwined. Mostly I just feel sad for everyone involved. Just wanted to express that I can imagine why someone would do what she did when it maybe seems crazy or unjustified to some.
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Lamont Cranston

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Interesting how she announced this on social media.



First 100
Jan 15, 2015
thing is if he hit her, whether she pressed charges or not, he is a POS and needs to be cut loose and charged.


Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
I don't know how many times I've told women "don't marry fighters." Being in a relationship with someone that takes brain trauma for a living is not a good idea.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
Her posts & reasoning gives me the heebie jeebies. I think she intentionally did not post the date that the pics were taken with her original post, thereby leaving the public to think they were very recent. People probably did the same as me and went thru all of recent pics which showed no damage, so you're left to think it was either very old or very recent.
Even her friend thought they were recent pics and went on Travis' page expressing disbelief that he "did it again". Now she's clarifying it was February.
I think she was forced to admit the pics are old because you can track her physical appearance due to her modeling job.
The fact that she waited until fight week to post is sus. Af. Her reasoning doesn't inspire me to believe her pious domestic violence crusade. One day months later a light bulb goes off & pow. She's a crusader. Don't buy it.
This could have been saved for the divorce proceeding. She could use her platform (fitness seminars etc) to talk about abuse in a meaningful, constructive way.
I think he did shake that ass and threw her to the ground as her friend Bo said, after she confronted him about being a whore. Unacceptable but habitual? Don't know. A beating? Doubtful. I've witnessed a man beating a woman, also witnessed a woman physically attacking a man and getting restrained and tossed aside. I think it was the latter based on the only context that is out there.
The bruising looks old in the pics.
I forgot my point. Fuck it yo. It's a hot mess.


Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
But the dick is absolutely fabulous. So I heard.
Craziness or mental instability (in either sex) = Mad fun between the sheets. It also means black eyes, bruises, busted car windows, flattened tires, boiled rabbits, hospital visits, & a ton of other shenanigans.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
Craziness or mental instability (in either sex) = Mad fun between the sheets. It also means black eyes, bruises, busted car windows, flattened tires, boiled rabbits, hospital visits, & a ton of other shenanigans.
So this is why you ignore my poon offering? Ok. Right on mother fucker. I'm going to cut the spokes out of your bike tires and shit in your helmet.


Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
So this is why you ignore my poon offering? Ok. Right on mother fucker. I'm going to cut the spokes out of your bike tires and shit in your helmet.
Can't merge my crazy matter with your crazy anti-matter. It'll create a black hole & blow up the universe. BTW I don't wear a helmet when I ride the crazy train.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
Well, I did hear Browne was going to file charges against Werdum because he raped him.
Jul 11, 2015
I've been a fan of Travis Browne, so I hate to hear this news. It doesn't matter her reasons for speaking out now, if it's true, then people need to know. Abusive people need to be outed period. If it's never revealed, then the cycle will continue, rather with her or someone else.