So I love wrestling culture, history and the Royal Rumble, but I can't be bothered watching Raw or Smackdown. For exactly the same reasons as everybody else.
* Too fucking long
* Don't treat me like I'm an actual legitimate simpleton, just because I'm a wrestling fan
* HATE the camerawork, with 16 quick cuts for every single move, so you can never enjoy anybody's techniques or spot the botches or get a sense of the impact
* Let the wrestlers get out there with a mic in their hand and just talk and read/react to the crowd in real time, for fucks sakes. That's a BIG part of the job, reading the crowd and working the mic! Let them talk, instead of woodenly reciting cringeworthy memorised speeches that some overworked writer knocked out in 5 minutes backstage, 45 seconds before the wrestler walked out to the ring.
All that being said - is it worth investing in AEW?