Best non firearm home defense weapon?

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I agree. I have one of those retractable batons and I swear they could effortlessly shatter bone.
Armament Systems and Procedures

Fuck yeah, asp baby! Swing it at their head, and even if they block it that's a shattered forearm.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 22, 2015
The answer is swords and it's not even close.

A proper made one you just point in the assailants direction, and they're not getting past. No need to swing it, just keep distance between you and them, if they try to grab it, they lose fingers.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
They are also illegal here in Aus.

So is pepper spray, its like they dont want us to defend ourselves....
"They" don't look up Max Weber and monopoly of violence. I can buy ASP's just down the street. I like Thailand's free for all approach. If you recall the other day I choked a guy out and the day after he came at me with a tire iron. I offered him a free shot with my hands down and he declined to take it. While extreme violence can be a great deterrent most people don't have the stomach for killing.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
"They" don't look up Max Weber and monopoly of violence. I can buy ASP's just down the street. I like Thailand's free for all approach. If you recall the other day I choked a guy out and the day after he came at me with a tire iron. I offered him a free shot with my hands down and he declined to take it. While extreme violence can be a great deterrent most people don't have the stomach for killing.
Yeah I dont think I could kill unless the target was between me and my family, especially my daughter. Harm her you die.


Jun 2, 2016
got two German shepards..Plus a high powered air pistol and Katana..coupled with my skillset I like my my gf would beat most regular joes up badly..
What kind of Air Gun do you have?