Browne offended by Lewis call-out. So who wins?

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Fine so personal attacks are legal.. Let me go make some personal attacks on your fav Cyborg:mad:
Firstly, i'm not a fan of either.

Secondly, i did what you asked.

Third, there really are multiple reports about Rousey's odor so what i said was based in reality:

Fourth, what you said about Cyborg turning herself into a man the other day was not based in reality, and between that and the way you were trashing everyone who disagreed with you was what got your thread dumped.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
@Alienator any warning for him?
Don't be a fuckin rat, pinky.

And Browne's slide downhill has been nothing short of spectacular.

He used to be the boogey man of the HW division, NOBODY truly wanted to fight him. Now he has low ranked guys calling him out to make a name for themselves.