Good for him
Just went up a notch in my book
Good for him
I don’t get the concern.. will we see the same theories when the next pandemic hits as predicted?2016
Alternate article title: "Correlation Equals Causation"States That Took COVID Seriously Did Better Economically Than States That Didn’t
“On average, [gross domestic product] declined in 2020, and it declined everywhere,” Anderson Forecast director Jerry Nickelsburg tells Yahoo. “But those declines were smaller in states with more stringent non-pharmaceutical interventions than states with less stringent NPIs.”![]()
States That Took COVID Seriously Did Better Economically Than States That Didn't
California outperformed states like Florida and Texas in terms of health outcomes
'Lockdown' states like California did better economically than 'looser' states like Florida, new COVID data shows
Not only did big states with more stringent COVID measures end 2020 with fewer infections per capita, they also tended to post better economic growth numbers last year than states with fewer
Scientific discussion censored.
MRNA vaccines have a really interesting history. It grew from the University of Pennsylvania telling one of their researchers it was a waste of time and demoting her.mRNA technology promises to revolutionize future vaccines and treatments for cancer, infectious diseases
mRNA technology promises to revolutionize future vaccines and treatments for cancer, infectious diseases
The first U.S. vaccines against COVID-19 emerged from decades of university research and may portend a faster, cheaper way to combat other