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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Ever get shit stuck to your fur when you poo?
yes, I am a man of many body hairs
i should probably to do some "trimming"

will save on TP since my city appears to buy all of it out before noon each day

down to 44 rolls now man...rationing time

Told the lady she better get with the program


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
As I've said before this is one of those paradoxical moments where the virus itself is really not that bad compared to our modern medicine.

I just want to point out what you may already know, but others may not about a distinction in this statement.

- If everyone has access to the best of modern medicine in a timely manner, it probably isn't that bad, interms of death rate.

- Governments are blocking media stories and asking "recoveries" not to share negative stories as to not panic the world.
MANY "recovered" folks have permanent lung damage as well as kidney, liver, pancreas, gull bladder, and other organ damage. They're on the "revovery" list, even if they're on dialysis, but there is no "recovery with complications" list.

With information so far, I likened it earlier to the reasoning behind the military choosing the 5.56 round over the 7.62 or NATO variant, in its ability kill the resources of a support unit rather than the soldier.

Deleted member 1

I just want to point out what you may already know, but others may not about a distinction in this statement.

Well I think my biggest distinction is my continued acknowledgement of the thing we are responding to now.

As I've said before this is one of those paradoxical moments where the virus itself is really not that bad compared to our modern medicine. But it's an absolute public health red alert.

Deleted member 1

How are the toilet paper wars where you are @Splinty ?

I nearly had to kill a man up here defending a Charmin Ultra Soft 40 pack.

I refuse to go see. I think of this shit like black Friday. People are about to act stupid and I want none of it. Im just going to work and home until the supply lines reset. I wouldn't go near a store this weekend or the next.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I refuse to go see. I think of this shit like black Friday. People are about to act stupid and I want none of it. Im just going to work and home until the supply lines reset. I wouldn't go near a store this weekend or the next.
proper move if you are in a dense Pop

the spendy healthier stores here have slightly above average traffic, 85% stocked with all the healthy goodies...but Winco and Costco and walmart have lines for checkout 20-30 minutes long(so I hear)


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I refuse to go see. I think of this shit like black Friday. People are about to act stupid and I want none of it. Im just going to work and home until the supply lines reset. I wouldn't go near a store this weekend or the next.

Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015
Msnbc and cnn viewership should give you an indication of the retards buying up all the toilet paper and bottled water. On the plus side, people will have years of toilet paper on hand, and those few who die will have clean assholes (last I checked wuhan doesn't have diarrhea as a major symptom). I am unaware of water supply being cut off in any state, county, city, or town, so tap water Will run freely. Perhaps not the best tasting water in certain areas, but potable.