i mean... they're still together so wtf is the problem??is this a thing in the US?
how about first come first serve?![]()
96% of ICU beds across Texas are full as COVID cases surge: "Some wait hours, some wait days"
According to the Texas Department of Health, there are only 321 ICU beds left open for the 30 million people in the state.www.cbsnews.com
Get vaccinated.
We will soon see increase in deaths beyond proportion of covid thanks to these overruns. We saw it in El Paso last year. We will now see it multiple areas of the state this year.
Pandemic ethics question: now that I have no ventilators and the same is starting to happen across the state, If two patients need a ventilator and one is vaccinated and one is unvaccinated, is it ethical to use vaccination status to prioritize access to ventilators?
Of course those against the vaccine will think this is an abhorrent question. Ethics questions are often tough. If I have to consider prioritizing the president, a nurse, etc over my mother, then this is a reasonable topic to consider.
Vaccinated patients get hospitalized less, go on the ventilator less, and spend less time in the hospital and on the ventilator than the unvaccinated If they get there.
From a purely resource allocation standpoint during overruns, you could save a vaccinated patient's life on average with less ventilator time and system resources than the unvaccinated.
Other decisions in pandemic ethics such as prioritizing the president over the average citizen but not prioritizing an important person's wife over the average citizen speak to the deterrent and morale problems in allocating resources. If it is ethical to prioritize frontline workers to maintain the system and to encourage continued risk taking for the system to hold together, is it the same to hold that incentive out for the populace to perform an action (vaccination) that further holds the system together?
You mean the falsified study linking vaccines to autism? or is there some new smoking gun?
I was suggesting you not be a dick for the sake of being a dick.
Vaccines don't have a CAUSAL association with autism.I was suggesting you not be a dick for the sake of being a dick.
Bro don't get pinked.
2 things. 1) "Association" has a very expansive definition. I would never for a second suggest that it's a causal association, but in recent years I've heard enough stories from many people who have stories similar toVaccines don't have an association with autism.
Vaccines aren't depopulation tools anymore than sanitation systems are.
Vaccines have generally removed significantly more deaths than they have caused, including vaccines that were removed for safety.
Vaccines have rare but serious side effects such as Guillan Barre and death. These are typically far far fewer than the disease itself.
Vaccines aren't against the Nuremburg code.
These are simply statements in response to said misinformation pushed so far in this thread over just the very most recent dozen pages. I'm simply stating that's not true for the audience at home and posterity.
I am not trying to convince@sparkuri who has already claimed that I'm indoctrinated, behind the "emotional curtain", and it would break me to know the truth. Likewise I've claimed none of that about him or anyone.
Post edited. Causal of course implied.2 things. 1) "Association" has a very expansive definition. I would never for a second suggest that it's a causal association, but in recent years I've heard enough stories from many people who have stories similar to@sparkuri where I struggle to make a blanket statement like "There's no association." 2) He has a very personal story regarding his child, vaccines and autism, whether or not I agree with his conclusion is irrelevant. Making a one line post about vaccines not having any association with autism is unnecessarily inflammatory.
Why do you bother?Vaccines don't have a CAUSAL association with autism.
Vaccines aren't depopulation tools anymore than sanitation systems are.
Vaccines have generally removed significantly more deaths than they have caused, including vaccines that were removed for safety.
Vaccines have rare but serious side effects such as Guillan Barre and death. These are typically far far fewer than the disease itself.
Vaccines aren't against the Nuremburg code.
These are simply statements in response to said misinformation pushed so far in this thread over just the very most recent dozen pages. I'm simply stating that's not true for the audience at home and posterity.
I am not trying to convince@sparkuri who has already claimed that I'm indoctrinated, behind the "emotional curtain", and it would break me to know the truth. Likewise I've claimed none of that about him or anyone.
sounds like you need a safe spaceyall have lost your fukin minds
im out
I gotta go with Sparkuri on this one
The deceit goes far deeper than we care to imagine
Because I like several people that I vehemently disagree on various topics and life would be super boring if everyone was the same.Why do you bother?
The whole autism thing was proved a lie 15 years ago.
IncorrectYou're an uneducated trash collector.
He doesn’t come across uneducated to me.You're an uneducated trash collector.