Canada will make sure it's last to lock down. We need to appear to be 'open' and 'caring' to Trudeau's European socialite crowd much more than we need to look out for the health of citizens.
Canada will make sure it's last to lock down. We need to appear to be 'open' and 'caring' to Trudeau's European socialite crowd much more than we need to look out for the health of citizens.
Gotta lock in that seat on the UN security councilCanada will make sure it's last to lock down. We need to appear to be 'open' and 'caring' to Trudeau's European socialite crowd much more than we need to look out for the health of citizens.
Where are youNo, I mean she is. I know. I get our side from the BBC or US media blasted at us 24/7. It's fine to hear the otherside every now and then.
edit: also never bought into the russian trolls
No need to worry as they'll receive information. Should be suffice.Canada will make sure it's last to lock down. We need to appear to be 'open' and 'caring' to Trudeau's European socialite crowd much more than we need to look out for the health of citizens.
I know you follow her. Your posts are actually how she came to my attention originally and I was curious who she was with so many followers and such limited information about who she was.Sarah is Lebanese I believe @Splinty. An anti war activist. I follow her myself.
London UKWhere are you@Zeph? You can ignore the question if you want.
I'm in Vancouver British Columbia. Born and raised.
Yes, I follow a great deal of people connected to the Syrian government. I'm pro regime myself as you well know.I know you follow her. Your posts are actually how she came to my attention originally and I was curious who she was with so many followers and such limited information about who she was.
She's not just an anti-war activist though. I don't doubt some of her media is her own but if you dox her you will find her connections to Syrian state media.
Justin Trudeau: "COVID-19, Can you please go away? Thank you."No need to worry as they'll receive information. Should be suffice.
"We’ve focused our resources particularly at people who are travelling from high-risk regions…and for all international travellers, they are subject to screening,” Blair said.
“If for example, they have been to one of those high-risk areas they receive certain information and if they are in need of further interaction with our public health officials, the referral takes place right at the airport. We also provide those international travellers with additional information should they become symptomatic or feel ill.”
Canadians advised to not travel outside country, restrictions imposed on international flights, cruises
you have a fridge yoWas gonna get some bacon, but as the pubs are shut I'll likely get bored and want to keep that in the adventure back pocket
get a squirrel or twoSame. I just got back.
Went to Kroger, grabbed a little cart as I just needed a few things. Parking lot was crowded but I figured I'd see how bad it was inside. People were lined up at the checkout counters 20 deep.
I refuse to participate in the madness. I'll try again at midnight when all these idiots are sleeping with their 34 packs of toilet paper.
Using a Star Trek reference. You win the internet today!Kicker's Log
Star Date 2020 March 14
Well it looks like I have another chance. We had a patient yesterday, the official test result hasn't came back but....the radiologist and the doc that saw the CT scan of her lungs are convinced it is a true case. Guess who was assigned the patient?
What is funny though is that they play it off to the nurse that it's just standard stuff to care for these patients and no big deal, "Just like the flu" they say. However, the admitting doctor assessed the patient through a window in the ante room while fully dressed out there. The infectious disease manager wouldn't even go on that side of the hall. Lol
I had to sign a piece of paper saying that I had read and understood the way to put on protective gear in the ante room and how to remove it in proper order when leaving. I had to sign this because if you say that you were exposed you get automatic 14 days off with pay for self quarantine.
I had to put on isolation gown,shoe covers, hair cap, respiratory mask, goggles, gloves, and full face shield.
If she's there Monday I'm sure they will give it to me again. I'll try to take a pic in my get up.
@Splinty , I wish I could take a pic of radiologist report and send it to you. I couldn't help but find it a little humorous. I've never seen one like it. It was a whole typed page. It mentioned ground glass appearance like 14 times. You could feel his excitement through the writing. Lol
go around 4 AM.get a squirrel or two
I used to work in a clean room doing equipment maintenance. You just get used to being uncomfortable.Kicker's Log
Star Date 2020 March 14
Well it looks like I have another chance. We had a patient yesterday, the official test result hasn't came back but....the radiologist and the doc that saw the CT scan of her lungs are convinced it is a true case. Guess who was assigned the patient?
What is funny though is that they play it off to the nurse that it's just standard stuff to care for these patients and no big deal, "Just like the flu" they say. However, the admitting doctor assessed the patient through a window in the ante room while fully dressed out there. The infectious disease manager wouldn't even go on that side of the hall. Lol
I had to sign a piece of paper saying that I had read and understood the way to put on protective gear in the ante room and how to remove it in proper order when leaving. I had to sign this because if you say that you were exposed you get automatic 14 days off with pay for self quarantine.
I had to put on isolation gown,shoe covers, hair cap, respiratory mask, goggles, gloves, and full face shield.
If she's there Monday I'm sure they will give it to me again. I'll try to take a pic in my get up.
@Splinty , I wish I could take a pic of radiologist report and send it to you. I couldn't help but find it a little humorous. I've never seen one like it. It was a whole typed page. It mentioned ground glass appearance like 14 times. You could feel his excitement through the writing. Lol
Lmao@Splinty , I wish I could take a pic of radiologist report and send it to you. I couldn't help but find it a little humorous. I've never seen one like it. It was a whole typed page. It mentioned ground glass appearance like 14 times. You could feel his excitement through the writing. Lol
Lots of links point to this virus being manmade...seems it is easier for most to deny that possibility
He is a Deep State pawn?
night stalkers lolgo around 4 AM.
the night stalkers don't want to put shit out twice, so they wait until right before last break to put out the stuff that's flying off the shelves.
i used to be a night stocker...night stalker is more accurate.night stalkers lol
zombies yo
Are they really closing down all the pubs?
Closed at midnight last night.Are they really closing down all the pubs?
If they did that here Cincy would fucking riot.