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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015

but lets be real. the republican politicians are throwing out the word communism left and right as a synonym for "democratic policies" despite the fact that Biden is bought out by the same people that they are. So he is aligned with them in that sense. He just differs from them (albeit slightly) in terms of healthcare, climate change, and social issues
Oh, it's definitely overused, but even a broken clock is right twice a today, and apparently it's "Masks are communist-'o'clock". Biden sucks on climate and social issues though, bruv. Fuck, he made most of the social issues, lol.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
thanks for the rainbow. have one of your own. and good luck with everything. im out
That's specific to these statements:

1. "communism relates to means of production"

2. "the mask debate has nothing to do with means of production"

1. A means of production is an aspect of communism, not its sole or even core purpose.

2. The mask "debate" has everything to do with both means of production and communism.
Masks are mandated all over the planet, if they're not worn the economy either dives or the government caves to maintain production.
This impresses from manufacturing to the consumer.
Masks as used and implemented have exactly zero to do with health and everything to do with totalitarian control.

IF it were about health, and some "pandemic", since bandanas and surgical masks cause more physical ailments than they prevent(proven, published August 2020), wouldn't there be a concerted effort to provide the world with N100's?
Or at the very least, N95's which prevent 8.9% of particulate matter( for which they're designed) be mandated?

The mask "issue" is a psychological lever, and struggle session component.
It should, like many of these intertwining strands, have its own thread.
Masks, vaccines, Sars-Cov-2, "Covid", PCR tests, social distancing etc.; all these need separate threads or the information, data, opinions as a whole are to vast for most to assemble a reasonable conclusion.
It HAS to be dissected.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Sir, I was simply responding to your "All pandemics end in 18 months" claim. Nothing about coronavirus' or scientific integrity,
Plague and pandemic have nuances in their language and definition.
I don't think anyone(here)knows enough about the plague to make an analysis, certainly if we're discussing pandemics with their current and ever-changing definition.

Afaik, the plague was the worst thing to hit the planet, and in Iceland came in two waves nearly 100 years apart.
In today's society where Viking ships aren't taken from the empire to islands, and we travel to & fro quickly, the pandemic age has been roughly 18 months.
80% herd immunity was reached in Texas BY January 2021.
So for the sake of argument & the unknown, we're talking in terms of relative environment where we travel and intermingle quickly.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Plague and pandemic have nuances in their language and definition.
I don't think anyone(here)knows enough about the plague to make an analysis, certainly if we're discussing pandemics with their current and ever-changing definition.
I'm just going by this one:



  1. (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.
Afaik, the plague was the worst thing to hit the planet, and in Iceland came in two waves nearly 100 years apart.
In today's society where Viking ships aren't taken from the empire to islands, and we travel to & fro quickly, the pandemic age has been roughly 18 months.
80% herd immunity was reached in Texas BY January 2021.
So for the sake of argument & the unknown, we're talking in terms of relative environment where we travel and intermingle quickly.
I'd think that lockdowns and travel restrictions would slow the 18 month timeline. That being said, if Texas has been at herd immunity for 9 months, why are the hospitals so full?


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I'd think that lockdowns and travel restrictions would slow the 18 month timeline. That being said, if Texas has been at herd immunity for 9 months, why are the hospitals so full?
Because the vaccine diminishes the natural immune system, propagates any legitimate new variations by being tailored to a stated specific variant, and the still incomprehensible practice of non-treatment by known "covid-killers"

I'm just going by this one:
So again, the bubonic plague existed long before the word pandemic with its current definition.
Also, the World Health Organization continues apparently to own Websters dictionary by continually changing the definition of pandemic, even so in the last 3 years, 10, and 20, each time before epidemics like Sars-Cov-1, MERS etc.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Because the vaccine diminishes the natural immune system, propagates any legitimate new variations by being tailored to a stated specific variant, and the still incomprehensible practice of non-treatment by known "covid-killers"
Doesn't that not hold up given that most of the people in hospitals haven't been vaccinated?

So again, the bubonic plague existed long before the word pandemic with its current definition.
Also, the World Health Organization continues apparently to own Websters dictionary by continually changing the definition of pandemic, even so in the last 3 years, 10, and 20, each time before epidemics like Sars-Cov-1, MERS etc.
Sir, by any definition the plague was a pandemic. Even Spanish flu lasted more than 2 years. Swine was only about 12 months. If memory serves SARS was the only pandemic that wrapped up in about 18 months. I'm willing to give you a lot of leeway, but you don't get to try to cherry pick by redefining when words are allowed to be applied.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Doesn't that not hold up given that most of the people in hospitals haven't been vaccinated
That's simply not true.
Simply look at all countries on earth, their reporting systems, their economic position on the world stage etc.
Start going backwards from 3rd world to 1st, look at treatments, curves etc.
Look at Israel, Sweden, Denmark, central Africa, latin America etc.
This is propaganda.

, by any definition the plague was a pandemic. Even Spanish flu lasted more than 2 years. Swine was only about 12 months. If memory serves SARS was the only pandemic that wrapped up in about 18 months. I'm willing to give you a lot of leeway, but you don't get to try to cherry pick by redefining when words are allowed to be applied.
Uhh, yeah, I'm willing to concede that by definition it was a pandemic?
But the point is, as you've laid out by timeline, and epidemiologists, pathologists, and virologists have laid out since the beginning, as we move the planet quicker, it spreads and ends quicker.
Smaller viral loads are contracted quicker, thus a shorter timeline.
We see that as you pointed out, from Spanish flu to now.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Btw BeardOfKnowledge @JakePaulsBeard , technically iirc(didn't even read the definition), pandemic is occurring worldwide. Not sure that the bubonic plague did?
Certainly an epidemic, but the bottom line is "a real bad disease that's spreading a bunch"


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I don't follow this thread like I once did BeardOfKnowledge @JakePaulsBeard as there's no one left to convince of anything, everyone afaik has made their beds the way they have seen fit, that to say I'm not sure what's being fed to people here but I can only imagine by the mockery I see for treatments like Ivermectin, so I'm not sure if this was posted.

This is a graph made on the study of countries that adopt Ivermectin as a frontline treatment(for whatever reason) and those that don't.


Those that don't btw would include Texas healthcare SYSTEM, and most healthcare systems across the U.S.
It's difficult to understand why everyone wouldn't use it, unless the comfort zone is left behind.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Btw @
@JakePaulsBeard , technically iirc(didn't even read the definition), pandemic is occurring worldwide. Not sure that the bubonic plague did?
Asia and Europe in the 1300's. So certainly across the known world at the time.

"a real bad disease that's spreading a bunch"
Yeah, that's basically most definitions of "Pandemic" once it starts crossing international borders it gets the title.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
That's simply not true.
Simply look at all countries on earth, their reporting systems, their economic position on the world stage etc.
Start going backwards from 3rd world to 1st, look at treatments, curves etc.
Look at Israel, Sweden, Denmark, central Africa, latin America etc.
This is propaganda.
I'm certainly willing to play, but all of those countries handled the pandemic so differently you'd have to pick one for us to tease it all out. Somewhere like Israel or Denmark is going to have a higher hospitalized rate than say America because almost everyone is vaccinated. In the case of Israel, they don't have overflowing hospitals, unlike say Texas for example.

But the point is, as you've laid out by timeline, and epidemiologists, pathologists, and virologists have laid out since the beginning, as we move the planet quicker, it spreads and ends quicker.
Smaller viral loads are contracted quicker, thus a shorter timeline.
We see that as you pointed out, from Spanish flu to now.
It's very hard to judge that because again, there are multiple factors. That being said, the 18 month claim doesn't hold water outside of a single pandemic, and we've been having pandemics for a long ass time.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
It's very hard to judge that because again, there are multiple factors. That being said, the 18 month claim doesn't hold water outside of a single pandemic, and we've been having pandemics for a long ass time.
Look at the last hundred years, and know that scientifically speaking we are exponentially ahead in medicinal discovery, and that we are the most connected and highest populated state worldwide ever.
We reach herd by literally that. Herd.
If we all lived in a box we'd reach it in a month.
I'm certainly willing to play, but all of those countries handled the pandemic so differently you'd have to pick one for us to tease it all out.
This is alot of my point. It's exactly why I advised to work your way backward from 3rd to 1st world.
The populations that can't afford to lose people for national sovereignty's sake use the treatments that everyone mocks, because they work.
Those are 2nd/3rd world countries, from Africa to the slavics and nordics.
Somewhere like Israel or Denmark is going to have a higher hospitalized rate than say America because almost everyone is vaccinated.
Just to be clear, you're saying that because most are vaccinated in these countries they're going to have a higher hospitilization rate?
Right, because the "vaccine" is directed at a variant group.
And these Israelis will be in line for a 4th shot soon, and a fifth, sixth....and comprise 60% of severe hospitilizations.
Whereas Ivermectin or HCQ treatments and MATH protocols(inpatient and outpatient) on ALL patients requires no injections ever and have immunity far surpassing injections.

To get a broad view and understanding, just look at the five eyes, the WHO and U.S. FDA
despite the high levels of coronavirus worldwide, neither the FDA nor the World Health Organization have been willing to approve it for use in the fight against the virus.
, and what each country is doing to their citizens in lockstep.
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Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I want you folks to understand what we're dealing with here.
It is the same dance as HIV/AIDS & AZT, with exactly the same frontman.
Viruses aren't "alive".
Deficiency syndromes are due to parasites.
Ivermectin won the Nobel prize as an anti-parasitic.
It is HAILED as a helpful antiviral however.

Critical thought test...
What do you think might really be happening here???


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
Are people that lose there jobs due to them not willing to get the vaccine eligible for unemployment?