Possibly of interest:
Got the Pfizer booster Friday after getting the Pfizer initial vax back in late March. Shot was 1:30. Felt alright enough to run some errands and go to CostCo Friday evening. Made dinner, watched TV, watched some porn. Went to bed early.
Round about 2am I woke up feeling... not great. Took a Tylenol that had no effect and essentially didn't sleep for the rest of the night. Watched Contact to distract me from the growing discomfort I was feeling. Was Matthew McConaughey ever more dreamy? Also just realized that was John Hurt. By 9am I would describe how I felt as aggressively bedridden. Everything hurt. It hurt my forehead if I raised my eyebrows. Rolling over hurt. Getting up to pee was unthinkable. 700mg of Tylenol took the edge off and made it bearable, so I stuck with that for the rest of Saturday, but at no point would I consider myself functional. To be honest, on Saturday I regretted getting the jab.
Saturday night I didn't sleep great, but I did sleep better. It's worth mentioning that I'm a habitual weed smoker in the evenings, so the sleeplessness is probably at least partially due to not smoking those 2 days. Sunday I tried to stay off the Tylenol and was able to get up and do a little around the house, my daughter's laughter was like an icepick in the brain, though, so I took a few time-outs. The dog hung out with me, which helped. Body aches, headache, inability to regulate my body temp (alternating fever and chills) balance, nausea, extreme malaise, extreme fatigue were the main symptoms. After my second dose of the first Pfizer vax, I felt rough for about 18 hours. This was way, WAY worse for me.
Today I feel decent, still fairly tired. My $.02