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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
it would be doable with a bow and arrow.
I only have recurve and longbow

the compound I have is so ancient(early 70s?) and I haven't ever shot it, it is made of wood.

maybe use a ball peen hammer for the difficulty factor?

Deleted member 1

As they should have been this entire time.
All menstrual products should always be treated the same as food goods. Tax free. Tax exemptions and deductions wherever other essential items are.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
What kind of weird pet can I get for $1,200? How much are lemurs? I want to feel like I'm part of the crowd. That's what you guys are doing with your money right?
According to Joe Exotic you can get a tiger cub for $2000.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
The weird part about pandemics is that on an individual level, it probably would have been more rational to go bug chasing two weeks ago than try and protect yourself from the virus. This is a fallacy of composition situation of course - if everyone did it, we'd all be screwed.

But if the virus fucks you up in three weeks, you may be in a situation where finite ventilators means a death panel essentially decides your fate whereas right now you're at least not going to be left to die.

There's a window of death for at-risk people. Avoiding getting the virus is obviously the best option as treatment/vaccines appear. But seems the safest odds were getting the virus early and taking your chances.

What I'm saying, as always, the smartest solution is unfortunately the attitude of 'fuck you, got mine' in this case 'mine' means already being infected by a weird Chinese bat virus.