Hoax one was not for u or anybody here.Never said it was a hoax.
I said wearing a mask can not only bring a false sense of security, it can also increase the risk of exposure because a population not used to wearing them will be touching their faces more often than Michael Jackson grabbed his crotch on his MTV videos.
And regardless of whatever reports you dig up my opinion won't change. I am a dangerous mix of intelligence and stubborness. So even if I'm wrong, I will die knowing I was right.
Good day, sir.
to be fairHoax one was not for u or anybody here.
I bet you can't control your hand touching your face that's why you are against masks.
I am wearing it for 1 month and only accidently touch the top of my nose 1 time and immediately put sanitizer on it. So 1 mistake in 30 days.
New York is slowly but surely becoming the epicenter for antibodies that will save the rest of our lives.
I wonder what is preventing a coordinated national campaign to identify those recovered patients and start an antibody bank.
The FDA has already approved this as an experimental treatment. It's worked before including Spanish flu.
Until Gilead gets done with it's phase three trial this is the only current intervention that might have effects in the critically ill beyond supportive care. The studies on hydroxyzine are not even in the critically ill let alone the whole conversation about questionable efficacy in symptom improvement.
If it turns out that this is not that effective, New York still represents the highest quantity of patients to gather a bank to do the studies. This really should be a centrally coordinated item instead of waiting on our usual bottom up practice that sometimes has difficulty over state lines and regions.
I guess they are dealing with the sick patients?
Trump keeps banging on about a drug that will not hurt people.
that’s not true is it?
the "rest" of our lives?New York is slowly but surely becoming the epicenter for antibodies that will save the rest of our lives.
I wonder what is preventing a coordinated national campaign to identify those recovered patients and start an antibody bank.
The FDA has already approved this as an experimental treatment. It's worked before including Spanish flu.
Until Gilead gets done with it's phase three trial this is the only current intervention that might have effects in the critically ill beyond supportive care. The studies on hydroxyzine are not even in the critically ill let alone the whole conversation about questionable efficacy in symptom improvement.
If it turns out that this is not that effective, New York still represents the highest quantity of patients to gather a bank to do the studies. This really should be a centrally coordinated item instead of waiting on our usual bottom up practice that sometimes has difficulty over state lines and regions.
Maybe they are having some hard times with everything going on and are incidentally taking their gripes out when on the forum?I think I can recieved PMs cause I've used it a handful of times
I didnt mean to derail thread yall. My bad. And don't know for sure if corona was the cause since hes had cancer for awhile like most of my decrepit DNA family does lol
But even if not related, figured the funeral part is relevant
And also, was hoping that conor and splinter would put on their big boy panties and stop acting like huge meanies![]()
I'm not gonna dignify this post with a response, other than the response I just dignified it with, which is the extent of the dignification it will receive.New York is slowly but surely becoming the epicenter for antibodies that will save the rest of our lives.
I wonder what is preventing a coordinated national campaign to identify those recovered patients and start an antibody bank.
The FDA has already approved this as an experimental treatment. It's worked before including Spanish flu.
Until Gilead gets done with it's phase three trial this is the only current intervention that might have effects in the critically ill beyond supportive care. The studies on hydroxyzine are not even in the critically ill let alone the whole conversation about questionable efficacy in symptom improvement.
If it turns out that this is not that effective, New York still represents the highest quantity of patients to gather a bank to do the studies. This really should be a centrally coordinated item instead of waiting on our usual bottom up practice that sometimes has difficulty over state lines and regions.
That's kind of my point. If you're a local New Yorker you're involved in the acute care and not dying.
I'm sitting here thinking about what the rest of the medical apparatus can do while we're waiting for the wave to come our way. Serum banking seems a productive use of our resources while we've brought elective items to a crawl.
And I mostly just highlight the self-interest that we should not think of this as a New York problem but a shared problem that we could start on right now in a large way.
Some academic institutions are already doing this but I think this is subpar and mobilizing a large reaction. The fastest way to know if this works and as well to stockpile things is large plasma campaigns followed by large multicenter trials. Large being operative word and I'm not seeing large.
it might not be a panacea but we have nothing for the critically ill except supportive care right now. then we'd have to figure out safety and efficacy for less ill-patients to see about risk and benefits.
And we've got a lot of hematology resources on standstill across the country right now.
I'm not gonna dignify this post with a response, other than the response I just dignified it with, which is the extent of the dignification it will receive.
Oh shit...we fucked now
If you understood facts then you would understand why they are calling it that dummy.
not everything is a conspiracy.
it’s called 19 here because of the year 2019.
Uganda can call it 20 if it hit them in the year 2020
The 19 is based on year of global discovery, not year it hit a specifc country. It's probably just a typo.If you understood facts then you would understand why they are calling it that dummy.
not everything is a conspiracy.
it’s called 19 here because of the year 2019.
Uganda can call it 20 if it hit them in the year 2020
Who can you call to try to get some ears on this? Seems like a completely logical thing to do to get a start on additional treatment options.Lol.
I'm not sure why this got in your crawl. I'm mostly thinking out loud about our list of potential treatment options right now.
outside of supportive care there's only a few on the table as we await things to come through trials. And a vaccine seems like it will be far off despite Bill Gates and others building seven factories or whatever.
So you've got a handful of pills. those should be start testing right now but they haven't shown any efficacy in the critically ill.
You've got Gilead and some others doing some phase three trials on antivirals.
And right away we could start testing recovered serum. One of the biggest challenges to date has been where do I get antibodies from recovered serum since we're not testing.
despite FDA approval if you come in my hospital and are critically ill I can't even trial serum bodies on you because I don't have an apparatus to collect them.
New York represents the largest number of patients and there's a lot of exclusionary criteria even when you find somebody who is a recovered patient. So you need a lot of patients unfortunately.
A lot of people seem to think that this is just a New York problem if they believe it's real at all. I think there's a real irony in New York getting hit the hardest but maybe holding a treatment. And We should be helping them and not thinking of them as some isolated area that this won't affect the rest of us.
no bro it is a conspiracy!The 19 is based on year of global discovery, not year it hit a specifc country. It's probably just a typo.
1 mistake is enough to kill you dead.So 1 mistake in 30 days.
You remember how horsemeat gave us Ubereem? Zebrameat is what gave us Ngannou.no bro it is a conspiracy!
or maybe just a typo I posted as a joke.
I can't remember
anyways covid 20 is a beast and it came from eating zebras while still alive