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Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I highly doubt 90% or 95% means jack shit

It is just a way to grab press/headlines/approval etc...
They wouldn't lie about something like that.

Next week we might hit a 97 or 98.

So odd that they all came out with these highly efficient percentages so soon after the election.


Dec 15, 2018
Texas nurse describes ‘The Pit,’ a room where COVID-19 patients are sent to die

Among the most shocking claims made by registered nurse Lawanna Rivers about her time working at the University Medical Center in El Paso is the existence of a room she calls “The Pit,” where the worst COVID-positive patients were sent to die with minimal treatment and limited efforts at resuscitation.

Due to the sheer number of patients at the hospital, she and other nurses were instructed to give each person in “The Pit” just three rounds of CPR before the person was pronounced dead — a significant reduction to the normal efforts aimed at keeping patients alive.

“I saw a lot of people die that I felt like shouldn’t have died,” Rivers said in a nearly 50-minute Facebook Live video posted Nov. 7. “Out of all the codes that we had there, there’s not a single patient that made it.”

She also claimed to have witnessed preferential treatment for a doctor’s wife, who was the sole COVID-19 survivor on that floor.

“The nurse that orientated me had one patient, she was called the ‘VIP’ patient, she was a doctor’s wife,” Rivers said. “They pulled out all the stops for that woman — there was nothing that they didn’t do for that woman. And guess what? She was the one patient that made it out of that ICU alive.”


Nov 3, 2015
Texas nurse describes ‘The Pit,’ a room where COVID-19 patients are sent to die

Among the most shocking claims made by registered nurse Lawanna Rivers about her time working at the University Medical Center in El Paso is the existence of a room she calls “The Pit,” where the worst COVID-positive patients were sent to die with minimal treatment and limited efforts at resuscitation.

Due to the sheer number of patients at the hospital, she and other nurses were instructed to give each person in “The Pit” just three rounds of CPR before the person was pronounced dead — a significant reduction to the normal efforts aimed at keeping patients alive.

“I saw a lot of people die that I felt like shouldn’t have died,” Rivers said in a nearly 50-minute Facebook Live video posted Nov. 7. “Out of all the codes that we had there, there’s not a single patient that made it.”

She also claimed to have witnessed preferential treatment for a doctor’s wife, who was the sole COVID-19 survivor on that floor.

“The nurse that orientated me had one patient, she was called the ‘VIP’ patient, she was a doctor’s wife,” Rivers said. “They pulled out all the stops for that woman — there was nothing that they didn’t do for that woman. And guess what? She was the one patient that made it out of that ICU alive.”
Sadly that is shocking but to be expected if you overwhelm the Healthcare system.

Deleted member 1

just three rounds of CPR before the person was pronounced dead — a significant reduction to the normal efforts aimed at keeping patients alive.
Rationing resources annd protecting staff. Doing CPR on a covid19 patient is a high risk activity for those involved. I would caution anyone on the outside from condemning healthcare workers/systems on these choices no one ever wanted to make if you aren't equally supporting mass public health interventions to prevent this situations.

Don't want this? Don't overrun the healthcare system. This is not an unlimited resource and the idea of having to make decisions none of us ever thought we'd make is not esoteric and academic.

she was called the ‘VIP’ patient, she was a doctor’s wife,” Rivers said. “They pulled out all the stops for that woman — there was nothing that they didn’t do for that woman. And guess what? She was the one patient that made it out of that ICU alive.”
Priority for critical workers must not be abused by prioritizing wealthy or famous persons or the politically powerful above first responders and medical staff — as has already happened for testing.37 Such abuses will undermine trust in the allocation framework.

While not specifically mentioned, this would likely fall into such wrong use of resources.
Or perhaps she never got to the CPR level and this is perception. We regularly mention staff family members on a floor because we have to work with their family members later. We reference VIP even if it doesn't change interventions. Beyond CPR (a risk to those performing for extended periods against a likely futile code regardless), indeed your critically ill COVID19 patients should be prioritized at the same rate as your non-COVID19 critically ill.

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
yesterday was the first time after 20-30 days I was allowed to officially/legally leave my home because I refused to participate in their idiotic mandatory testing


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Texas nurse describes ‘The Pit,’ a room where COVID-19 patients are sent to die

Among the most shocking claims made by registered nurse Lawanna Rivers about her time working at the University Medical Center in El Paso is the existence of a room she calls “The Pit,” where the worst COVID-positive patients were sent to die with minimal treatment and limited efforts at resuscitation.

Due to the sheer number of patients at the hospital, she and other nurses were instructed to give each person in “The Pit” just three rounds of CPR before the person was pronounced dead — a significant reduction to the normal efforts aimed at keeping patients alive.

“I saw a lot of people die that I felt like shouldn’t have died,” Rivers said in a nearly 50-minute Facebook Live video posted Nov. 7. “Out of all the codes that we had there, there’s not a single patient that made it.”

She also claimed to have witnessed preferential treatment for a doctor’s wife, who was the sole COVID-19 survivor on that floor.

“The nurse that orientated me had one patient, she was called the ‘VIP’ patient, she was a doctor’s wife,” Rivers said. “They pulled out all the stops for that woman — there was nothing that they didn’t do for that woman. And guess what? She was the one patient that made it out of that ICU alive.”
But I thought coronavirus was just the flu? Why would anyone die from it?

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
How are you feeling after dropping the booze and the smokes?
I dont make a big deal out of it. I started playing video games since its impossible to play tennis in this weather and I dont like to play games drunk anyway. Also I made a promise to a dying friend that I would try to limit drinking, so I just quit. So instead of drinking and smoking I play video games and instead of tennis I play ping pong


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I dont make a big deal out of it. I started playing video games since its impossible to play tennis in this weather and I dont like to play games drunk anyway. Also I made a promise to a dying friend that I would try to limit drinking, so I just quit. So instead of drinking and smoking I play video games and instead of tennis I play ping pong
That's great, minus the part about your friend, I'm sorry you lost them that's never fun.

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
watcha playing?
I finished resident evil 3 remake, horizon zero dawn, detroit become human, a way out which is very interesting because you have to play with a friend and you have to help each other out to complete the missions. Even though once you escape the prison its very boring, bad and generic shooter.
Currently playing control, tried death stranding but its too much walking for me, devil may cry 5, metro exodus, beyond two souls, sekiro shadows die twice

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Remember when all those dorks were posting videos of empty hospitals as evidence the virus was a hoax?


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Apparently Michigan has removed powers over businesses from their idiotic Gov Whitmer and given them to...


That should work. Haha.
What a fucked up state.

She was over-reaching with her powers,
but OSHA is gonna rule that state like Darth Vader.
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