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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
i told you about Trudeau sexually assaulting a woman and having an inappropriate relationship with a student and you cool starry bra’d me.

I will agree to that but with a caveat for two reasons; that would never work with his base and they would be incapable of doing so. That’s how little I, and most Canadians, trusthim.

He absolutely talks about the the conservatives party and their voters in a crude way that encourages hatred and civil unrest. The only time we have been this divided is under his father as PM.

USA was and is outperforming us in all those metrics.

his cabinet is a group of cardboard cut outs, all decisions are centralized within the PMO currently run by Katie Telford. The drop in GDP is a direct result of his impositions into our resource and manufacturing sectors and slashing of funding and participation in R&D.
So, it's actually almost noon here so past my bedtime now, but I would like to return to this post later, and hopefully with a more civil and respectful tone on both sides. That other trolling prick is only ever one post away from smug condescension, but I would like to learn things here and there about the Canadian political system from you, and I know there is room for an honest comparison between the two men. I shouldn't have spoken to you that belligerently, I don't think there's been any conflict between us previously and I don't think there is any need or inevitability for it.

It is frustrating for me when discussions aren't really discussions, they're little cliques and high school shit and stupid trolling riddles and memes. But, that's not what you've offered these last couple of posts, and I appreciate that and would apologise for the tone. ?


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Also John Lee Pettimore @John Lee Pettimore i concede that trumps ego is far bigger. He may have the most bigly tremendous ego in the world.
I think that he actually legitimately might, in the sense that he thinks about and is interested in absolutely nothing outside of himself and his own immediate interests, and apparently never has been. The level of difference between him and everyone else in the Oval Office within living memory is just staggering.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I wonder how many more posters the guy gets to irritate with his unfunny bullshit before a mod takes notice and pinks him.
I was trying to figure out why you were being so catty, then I realized you made a troll attempt today that got fewer replies than a Bellator thread.