Dada 5000's family 'appalled' at 'overtly racist' comments made by Joe Rogan

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Feb 16, 2015
Beyonce's just a dumb cunt, I don't know what Kayne or Cam Newton did though. Are they still mad at Cam for leaving the press conference or something? lol
Oh, she's a dumb cunt? Why?

Just read the comments section in regards to any of these people. Just do a news search for the people writing newspaper editors regarding Cam Newton's behavior. Kanye is just a gimme, this is every day all day.

We pick and choose our touchy.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Oh, she's a dumb cunt? Why?

Just read the comments section in regards to any of these people. Just do a news search for the people writing newspaper editors regarding Cam Newton's behavior. Kanye is just a gimme, this is every day all day.

We pick and choose our touchy.
There's a big difference between disagreeing with something someone said, and actively trying to get that person in trouble.

I thought her halftime skit was completely disrespectful to cops, and a lot of that BLM bullshit is just idiotic, but I'm not going to go picket her, demand and apology or try to organize a boycott.

Kanye is the biggest douche of this generation.


Feb 16, 2015
There's a big difference between disagreeing with something someone said, and actively trying to get that person in trouble.

I thought her halftime skit was completely disrespectful to cops, and a lot of that BLM bullshit is just idiotic, but I'm not going to go picket her, demand and apology or try to organize a boycott.
Who tried to get Rogan in trouble? If trouble comes because you're a public personality and now your company doesn't want to associate with you that's the line you tow.

What about the halftime show was disrespectful? The Black Panthers wasn't a racist group no matter what those who want to re-write history have to say. They were ANTI-racist and worked with a brick of white organizations in America. Youtube. There was a White Panther branch for god's sake. Cops weren't even mentioned, that's some Guliani version of events.

BLM is bullshit? Interesting? The message that cops shouldn't abuse their authority is bullshit as well? Believe it or not, if not for that bullshit half of the crap cops have been pulling nowadays would still be in the dark, so that benefits EVERYBODY not just BLM.

They organized a Beyonce boycott here in NY. As I said, certain people pick and choose their touchy.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
What about the halftime show was disrespectful? The Black Panthers wasn't a racist group no matter what those who want to re-write history have to say. They were ANTI-racist and worked with a brick of white organizations in America. Youtube. There was a White Panther branch for god's sake. Cops weren't even mentioned, that's some Guliani version of events.

BLM is bullshit? Interesting? The message that cops shouldn't abuse their authority is bullshit as well? Believe it or not, if not for that bullshit half of the crap cops have been pulling nowadays would still be in the dark, so that benefits EVERYBODY not just BLM.
The Black Panthers were/are a bunch of cunts.

BLM is fucking nonsense, dude. It's a bad joke. Just promoting more hate and anti-cop rhetoric. Cunts. Everywhere I look, more cunts. smh


Feb 16, 2015
The Black Panthers were/are a bunch of cunts.

BLM is fucking nonsense, dude. It's a bad joke. Just promoting more hate and anti-cop rhetoric. Cunts. Everywhere I look, more cunts. smh
You're uninformed. Black Panthers now and Huey Newton Panthers are not the same. The new panthers were disavowed by the old when they first popped up. A shame people are trying to re-write history and now America isn't the cunt for writing laws to keep people down. Nope, it's the Panthers fault for defending themselves against the country making them use separate bathrooms.

I see your standpoint now, I think the cunts are the people who want to be loudmouths (like Guliani) and get antsy when someone points it out. BLM is pointing out a lot of loudmouths while a sizable portion of this country is sucking the dick of the biggest xenophobe they could find.

'He's just saying what all of us want to say'


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
It's not that serious. We're good on TMMAC. I think we can have these discussions without death threats.
thats good to hear . i started going on the OG around the time of trayvon/zimmerman and man that was an ugly place


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
But if we stop giving these words power, then it won't matter. Black people say racist shit, white people say racist shit, Canadians say racist shit, everyone says racist shit. As soon as we stop putting people into these little groups or tribes based on something so meaningless as skin pigmentation we will all be better off. And part of that is to stop trying to see racist shit in every little thing.
My man, it's easy to say all that when it's not directed at you.

Black people say racist shit, two wrongs don't make a right, but it is absolutely not the same thing. It's not like slavery ended & everything was awesome for blacks. Blacks more like to end up in jail if they don't get killed by cops first.

Unless you've lived it or been around it, it's hard to understand. I've gotten fucked with just for being brown. It was worse when I hung with black dudes. The looks we'd get, the shit we got from cops. Just cause we weren't white.

If you wanna stop putting people into little groups, then stop putting people into little groups. Calling Dada a fat, out of shape slob was enough. Rogan put him into a little group when he made it racial.

I post the racial context of fried chicken, & some of you just don't get it. More than one person has tried to explain that it's not your business to tell anyone how they're supposed to feel about something that's directed at their group & not yours. That's fine, but enough with the 'stop trying to racist shit in ever little thing.'' Well, how about people like Rogan stop saying racist shit? And how about you stop complaining when people call him out on it?

Personal responsibility, right???


Feb 16, 2015
thats good to hear . i started going on the OG around the time of trayvon/zimmerman and man that was an ugly place
I stopped discussing stuff with people that are just going to name call, my mistake in the past was to join them and be a bigger ass to make sure they didn't want to do it in the future. I feel kinda safe to say my point of view here, as I hope the people who disagree with me do as well. This is how you build bridges muthfucka


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Black people say racist shit, two wrongs don't make a right, but it is absolutely not the same thing. It's not like slavery ended & everything was awesome for blacks. Blacks more like to end up in jail if they don't get killed by cops first.
this is only true for american is not fair to claim this for all black people in the world.we never had slavery or jim crow bs in canada and the majority of our black population is directly from africa and the carribean.all people say non pc shit white black or chinese.the word racism gets thrown around so much these days it has really lost much its meaning

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I post the racial context of fried chicken, & some of you just don't get it. More than one person has tried to explain that it's not your business to tell anyone how they're supposed to feel about something that's directed at their group & not yours. That's fine, but enough with the 'stop trying to racist shit in ever little thing.'' Well, how about people like Rogan stop saying racist shit? And how about you stop complaining when people call him out on it?
This is another thing that is so fucking silly: the notion that only black people (or whatever group is the subject of the alleged racism) get to decide if something is racist.

It's not a racial issue: the only person who knows whether or not what Joe Rogan said was racist is Joe Rogan.

Either he said it as "the fat guy eats a lot of fried chicken and drinks a lot of orange soda because he's fat" or "the black guy eats a lot of fried chicken and drinks a lot of orange soda because he's black."

That's it. One is racist, the other has nothing to do with race. Who the fuck has the authority to tell Joe what he meant by something because of the colour of their skin? That's fucking idiotic.

That's why BLM and people of that mindset are jokes. People throw around the word "racism" and "racist" to the point where it loses it's power.

Tagging someone as racist is a serious accusation, and when you're making a serious accusation you need to do your due diligence. People don't do that anymore. BLM will look at a situation where a white cop shot a black perp, and automatically that cop (and his police force) are racist assassins who are out on the streets looking to kill blacks, because their lives don't matter. They don't care about the details or the context. They don't care what the black guy was doing or if he was posing a threat to the officer. They just see white on black, and they have their minds made up because there's no objectivity, it's all confirmation bias.

Same thing here: people see "black guy" and "fried chicken" and start screaming racism. It's idiotic. These fuckers think they are "fighting the good fight": all they're doing is perpetuating hate, the "us vs them" mentality.


Feb 16, 2015
this is only true for american is not fair to claim this for all black people in the world.we never had slavery or jim crow bs in canada and the majority of our black population is directly from africa and the carribean.all people say non pc shit white black or chinese.the word racism gets thrown around so much these days it has really lost much its meaning
Racism hasn't lost it's meaning so much as people want to redefine it. You can tell certain people that Hulk Hogan doesn't want his daughter to date any n-words unless he has a million dollars and they will say that isn't racist, he's just looking out for his daughter, meanwhile racism is Beyonce dancing with other girls who look like her in military style uniforms. It's a game nowadays, Donald Sterling or Donald Trump can say or do whatever but if you call them racists for actual racism it becomes an argument for what racism is. They want you to have a noose in your hand and a ghost uniform before an admission will be made.


This is another thing that is so fucking silly: the notion that only black people (or whatever group is the subject of the alleged racism) get to decide if something is racist.

It's not a racial issue: the only person who knows whether or not what Joe Rogan said was racist is Joe Rogan.

Either he said it as "the fat guy eats a lot of fried chicken and drinks a lot of orange soda because he's fat" or "the black guy eats a lot of fried chicken and drinks a lot of orange soda because he's black."

That's it. One is racist, the other has nothing to do with race. Who the fuck has the authority to tell Joe what he meant by something because of the colour of their skin? That's fucking idiotic.

That's why BLM and people of that mindset are jokes. People throw around the word "racism" and "racist" to the point where it loses it's power.

Tagging someone as racist is a serious accusation, and when you're making a serious accusation you need to do your due diligence. People don't do that anymore. BLM will look at a situation where a white cop shot a black perp, and automatically that cop (and his police force) are racist assassins who are out on the streets looking to kill blacks, because their lives don't matter. They don't care about the details or the context. They don't care what the black guy was doing or if he was posing a threat to the officer. They just see white on black, and they have their minds made up because there's no objectivity, it's all confirmation bias.

Same thing here: people see "black guy" and "fried chicken" and start screaming racism. It's idiotic. These fuckers think they are "fighting the good fight": all they're doing is perpetuating hate, the "us vs them" mentality.
Intent doesn't define perception.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Racism hasn't lost it's meaning so much as people want to redefine it. You can tell certain people that Hulk Hogan doesn't want his daughter to date any n-words unless he has a million dollars and they will say that isn't racist, he's just looking out for his daughter, meanwhile racism is Beyonce dancing with other girls who look like her in military style uniforms. It's a game nowadays, Donald Sterling or Donald Trump can say or do whatever but if you call them racists for actual racism it becomes an argument for what racism is. They want you to have a noose in your hand and a ghost uniform before an admission will be made.
i get what you are saying but saying someone likes fried chicken and orange soda isnt racist.saying someone is genetically inferior is racist.i love chicken and dont mind orange fanta.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
there is a big difference between bigotry and white supremacy racism neither one is ok but what most people call racism these days is bigotry. i dont see alot of my race is superior to your race these days


Feb 16, 2015
i get what you are saying but saying someone likes fried chicken and orange soda isnt racist.saying someone is genetically inferior is racist.i love chicken and dont mind orange fanta.
I'm not really making a stance on Rogan so much as general stuff. I honesty just don't believe Rogan is racist, I don't in my bones. I think he probably didn't think about it but if I were one of his friends I might say 'yo, that might not be a good look'.

This is a pretty light case imo


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
this is only true for american is not fair to claim this for all black people in the world.we never had slavery or jim crow bs in canada and the majority of our black population is directly from africa and the carribean.all people say non pc shit white black or chinese.the word racism gets thrown around so much these days it has really lost much its meaning
So the mental gymnastics you're gonna jump through to minimize this is to bring in black people all over the world? And that people say non-PC shit? And Chinese. And a very brief history of our black population coming directly from Africa. Alrighty then. You get an 'E' for effort.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
So the mental gymnastics you're gonna jump through to minimize this is to bring in black people all over the world? And that people say non-PC shit? And Chinese. And a very brief history of our black population coming directly from Africa. Alrighty then. You get an 'E' for effort.
minimize what? a comedian saying a fat dude ate too much chicken and cheeseburgers?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i cant even begin to describe the mental gymnastics that makes orange soda racist


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
This is another thing that is so fucking silly: the notion that only black people (or whatever group is the subject of the alleged racism) get to decide if something is racist.

It's not a racial issue: the only person who knows whether or not what Joe Rogan said was racist is Joe Rogan.

Either he said it as "the fat guy eats a lot of fried chicken and drinks a lot of orange soda because he's fat" or "the black guy eats a lot of fried chicken and drinks a lot of orange soda because he's black."

That's it. One is racist, the other has nothing to do with race. Who the fuck has the authority to tell Joe what he meant by something because of the colour of their skin? That's fucking idiotic.

That's why BLM and people of that mindset are jokes. People throw around the word "racism" and "racist" to the point where it loses it's power.

Tagging someone as racist is a serious accusation, and when you're making a serious accusation you need to do your due diligence. People don't do that anymore. BLM will look at a situation where a white cop shot a black perp, and automatically that cop (and his police force) are racist assassins who are out on the streets looking to kill blacks, because their lives don't matter. They don't care about the details or the context. They don't care what the black guy was doing or if he was posing a threat to the officer. They just see white on black, and they have their minds made up because there's no objectivity, it's all confirmation bias.

Same thing here: people see "black guy" and "fried chicken" and start screaming racism. It's idiotic. These fuckers think they are "fighting the good fight": all they're doing is perpetuating hate, the "us vs them" mentality.
What's silly is hearing another white guy try & make that decision.

That's not it, although you really, really want it to be. For you to say otherwise is fucking retarded. You're ignorant, obtuse, & obnoxious, & it's delicious.

Now you're gonna bring in BLM into the discussion. Cute. You come off as the kind of guy that posts that idiotic All Lives Matter shit & get outraged at black people for being pissed off at getting shot by cops.

You also need to learn to read better: I never called anyone racist. I said what Rogan said had racist overtones & was a lame attempt at being edgy. I said over, & over, & over again. Either way, that was a good rant on your end.

All you're doing is projecting your own old, tired, moronic bias here. Quit whining about being an oppressed, misunderstood white guy. It's clear that you don't understand. No need to make yourself look bad.