Dada 5000's family 'appalled' at 'overtly racist' comments made by Joe Rogan

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Prejudice. Pre judgement. Thinking you know what the truth is before you actually do.

I'm white/native american but I look an awful lot like many men of Jewish descent. Wanna guess how many times I have been called a "kike"? I lived in Hawaii for many years. Some hawaiians will straight up kill you just for being a "haole". I went to southern baptist churches where we were invited to not come back because we looked like "cowboy killers". I had some dickhead ask me how much "nigger" I had in me. I know what racism and prejudice looks like.

No one can know what was in Joe's heart, but like I said intent doesn't define perception. Whatever his intent, it was insensitive. To try to define someone else's perceptions is asinine.
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Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
Prejudice. Pre judgement. Thinking you know what the truth is before you actually do.

I'm white/native american but I look an awful lot like many men of Jewish descent. Wanna guess how many times I have been called a "kike"? I lived in Hawaii for many years. Some hawaiians will straight up kill you just for being a "haole". I went to southern baptist churches where we were invited to not come back because we looked like "cowboy killers". I had some dickhead ask me how much "nigger" I had in me. I know what racism and prejudice looks like.

No one can what was in Joe's heart, but like I said intent doesn't define perception. Whatever his intent, it was insensitive. To try to define someone else's perceptions is asinine.
Yeah, but you should get over like all the blacks & Jews did, cause, like, all lives matter & shit & while you're at it, you should let other people put you into little groups & tell you how to feel about it.


Yeah, but you should get over like all the blacks & Jews did, cause, like, all lives matter & shit & while you're at it, you should let other people put you into little groups & tell you how to feel about it.
Nah, man. I just learned that people are really just afraid of what's different. And once I realized that, it didn't bug me so much.


Feb 16, 2015
Honestly, I have to say this went better than almost any of the discussions over on that other place. I'm not trying to blow smoke up anybody's ass, I'm just saying that for all the disagreements this doesn't appear to be 10 pages of fuck you.

I'm like a proud papa.


Hmm. Well this thread took another swerve.

No need for anyone to get upset. Everyone's opinions are simply that. It's discussing a sensitive issue yes, but this is a place for well thought out ideas and healthy debate among the community. Let's try to remember the reason we are here and not on other forums. I'd hate to see the thread devolve into something irredeemable.

I do understand that strong feelings can come into play when dealing with an issue so close to many people's hearts, but attacking each other rather than debating the issues isn't classy. We're better than that I'm sure homies. :D


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
What about the halftime show was disrespectful? The Black Panthers wasn't a racist group no matter what those who want to re-write history have to say. They were ANTI-racist and worked with a brick of white organizations in America. Youtube. There was a White Panther branch for god's sake. Cops weren't even mentioned, that's some Guliani version of events.
Great points, excellent thread. People really are ignorant about history (among other things).

The Black Panther's full name was Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. In other words, they were defending themselves against real repression. Not the paranoid, imagined kind that the Cliven Bundy gun LARP'er types dream up in their heads, but real, violent repression from police, Klansmen, etc. Black people were still getting lynched back then.

These guys were White Panthers:


And as for YouTube:

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Great points, excellent thread. People really are ignorant about history (among other things).

The Black Panther's full name was Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. In other words, they were defending themselves against real repression. Not the paranoid, imagined kind that the Cliven Bundy gun LARP'er types, but real violent repression from police, Klansmen, etc. Black people were still getting lynched back then.

These guys were White Panthers:


And as for YouTube:

That's a pretty righteous fro ol' boy's rockin. :D


In regard to the white panthers, I find it funny that they worked with "the rainbow coalition". They would have loved TMMAC then! :D


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
Hmm. Well this thread took another swerve.

No need for anyone to get upset. Everyone's opinions are simply that. It's discussing a sensitive issue yes, but this is a place for well thought out ideas and healthy debate among the community. Let's try to remember the reason we are here and not on other forums. I'd hate to see the thread devolve into something irredeemable.

I do understand that strong feelings can come into play when dealing with an issue so close to many people's hearts, but attacking each other rather than debating the issues isn't classy. We're better than that I'm sure homies. :D
I agree to a point. When people come on like frate trains telling other people how they're supposed to feel about insults with racial overtones, & are ignorant of historical content, it's fucking obnoxious. They want everyone to shut up & get over it (particularly whatever group those racial insults are directed towards).

Meanwhile, you point out to them historical context & WHY that kind of thing is offensive in the first place, & you're the asshole. What's worse is the loudest, most obnoxious ones are usually the most ignorant. Seriously, how many of these guys knew that the fried chicken trope came from a KKK propaganda film?

Then they try to get creative & quibble about what racism is & blah blah blah blah blah.

Either way, it's quite obvious that most of these guys have no idea what they're talking about, and it's annoying, to say the least.


the loudest, most obnoxious ones are usually the most ignorant.
Always has been true, always will be.
Seriously, how many of these guys knew that the fried chicken trope came from a KKK propaganda film?
I did, but I'm a nerd and a bit of a history fan.
Then they try to get creative & quibble about what racism is & blah blah blah blah blah.
Tangents are easy to get drawn into, especially for an a.d.d. fool like me, but I find staying on topic is the best course of action in that scenario.

I also want to be clear that my statement was not leveled at you specifically homie. More of a shotgun statement for the thread. :D


A family member in the hospital that put himself there?
Ok, let's run the hypothetical:

For this to work fully, do you mind telling me your specific genealogy and family's country of origin as far back as you know it to be?


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Ok, let's run the hypothetical:

For this to work fully, do you mind telling me your specific genealogy and family's country of origin as far back as you know it to be?
Yes sir, Polish, Scottish, Irish, Swedish, Lithuanian, German, Italian, NA (allegedly)