Cinema Decades of Sexual Harassment Accusations Against Harvey Weinstein

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Jan 21, 2015
Great replies from everyone

I am suspecting that there is way more beneath the surface than a bunch of movie-power-4-sex-bribe cases going on here. Weinstein is directly associated with the Clintons, Obama's wife rimming his ass, etc. If there truly is some serious sex-trafficking pedo shit going down among the upper levels of Hollywood (which I believe there is substantial evidence to suggest), FOR SURE this dude Weinstein knew about it.

I smell a cover story here, something got leaked and Harvey is taking the fall for everyone on some minor abuse charges while the MSM will totally blind themselves to any possibility that the sexual deviance in Hollywood might go a little further than that.

Lets see how far this goes. MSM is all over it so I doubt it will ever spill any further than Harvey.

Fuck Hollywood man its so fucking sick


Nov 15, 2015
Reading the replies here is interesting. Sometimes a rapist and pervert is just a rapist and pervert.
No need for political affiliation and mindless groupthink.
But some of you have just been proper brainwashed by the Kremlin ads on Facebook eh?
It's not like conservatives don't also have their fair share of sickos and child rapists....


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Reading the replies here is interesting. Sometimes a rapist and pervert is just a rapist and pervert.
No need for political affiliation and mindless groupthink.
But some of you have just been proper brainwashed by the Kremlin ads on Facebook eh?
It's not like conservatives don't also have their fair share of sickos and child rapists....
You might have missed it but you might want to reread what you wrote on line two... and then your last line. Pot paging kettle... come in kettle.
Also, didnt the left lose their minds when trump said grab em by the pussy?? It must be less offensive to liberals when somebody actually DOES grab someone by their pussy. So words are worse than actions? Got it...


Nov 15, 2015
You might have missed it but you might want to reread what you wrote on line two... and then your last line. Pot paging kettle... come in kettle.
Also, didnt the left lose their minds when trump said grab em by the pussy?? It must be less offensive to liberals when somebody actually DOES grab someone by their pussy. So words are worse than actions? Got it...
Seems my post must have hit a nerve with you.
Try reading my previous posts on this thread.
Seems like its the right "losing their minds". Maybe if Weinstein was "right" it would be okay to grab them by the pussy.....
Or maybe some of us see the similarities between Trump and Weinstien without having to suck on the tip of 'left' or 'right'...

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
These actresses had sex with him willingly to get famous? Or were they raped.
he didn't actually rape them he sexually harassed them with all sorts of weird behaviors like jacking off in front Lauren sivan until he climaxed .

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Oh, this fucking scumbag.......he’s a fucking cunt. They need to send him to a max security prison in general population and attach that rape or pedo code number to him.....