General Democratic 2020 Election Watch

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Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
"The top two candidates right now are both in their late 70s — former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Biden graduated from Syracuse University Law School, number 76 in a class of 85, dodging a plagiarism rap. He entered politics in 1969 while practicing law, then was elected to the Senate in 1972. In other words, 47 years since his last real job.

Which is still better than Bernie Sanders. He first wedged his snout into the public trough in the early ’80s when he was elected mayor of Burlington, Vt. From 1964-76, he claimed to have worked as a freelance writer, carpenter, youth counselor and “state employee.” In the late 1970s, he allegedly directed something called “the American People’s Historical Society,” a nonprofit he started himself. He now owns three homes. Doing well by doing good, apparently.

Sen. Kamala Harris runs third in most national polls. Unless you include her, uh, experience as Willie Brown’s girlfriend, she has zero experience in the Dreaded Private Sector.

Ditto, Sen. Cory Booker. He graduated from Yale Law in 1997 and was elected to the Newark City Council in 1998. His closest brush with a real job was serving as a staff attorney with a nonprofit called the Urban Justice Center. His dear friend, T-Bone, does have a real job — as a drug dealer. Oh wait, T-Bone is a “composite” — in other words, Booker made him up.

Beto O’Rourke: From 1991-95, worked as a “musician” and furry with a loser rock band, then was hired by his uncle, also worked as a live-in nanny in New York. Wrote short stories. Elected to local city council in 2005. Fourteen years since anything remotely resembling a real job.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren claims to have made short money as a solo-practice lawyer in New Jersey in the mid-’70s, flipped some houses during the S&L crisis in Oklahoma, and may have represented an asbestos company or two while practicing law without a license in Massachusetts. But she’s basically an academic. And yes, it helps if you’re falsely checking the box as a minority, no matter what she says.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar: Daughter of a media figure in Minnesota, worked in DPS as a lawyer until 1999 when she became Hennepin County district attorney. She was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2006. So it’s been 20 years since her last private sector job.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: Daughter of a connected political/lobbyist family in New York. Worked in the law firm of David Boies (Al Gore’s lawyer in the 2000 Florida recount), clients included Big Tobacco. Was elected to the House in 2006. Twelve years since her last real job. (Age 52, claims to be a “young mother.”)

These, God help us, are the Democrats’ front-runners. The only ones who have any experience in the real world aren’t even asterisks in the polls. John Hickenlooper, the former governor of Colorado — he’s not terribly impressive, to say the least, but he did used to be a geologist for Buckhorn Petroleum, after which he was involved with a craft brewery in Denver, many years ago. He has no shot, obviously.

Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington is a slightly more plausible candidate. He was a lawyer before he was elected to some office or another … in 1985.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., is gay, and he’s married to a guy, and he once won a JFK Profiles in Courage Essay Contest for an article on the courage of Bernie Sanders. That’s on the plus side. The downside: he was a Navy intelligence officer in Afghanistan.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has the same problem: military background. Plus, her father is a Roman Catholic in the Hawaii legislature — a serious one, unlike, say, Joe Biden. Say goodnight, Tulsi.

Rep. John Delaney: Founded two publicly traded companies. Worked in the DPS until 2012. Why is he even bothering?

The Democrats used to be the party of the working class. Now they’ve become the party of the non-working class. The only remaining question is, are there more of them now than there are of those of us who get up and go to a job in the morning?"
I wonder how many would've worked in the private sector if their dads left them 400 million dollars and a real estate empire?

The majority lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are former lawyers who become politicians. Lawyers are not productive workers (they don't produce value) or innovators. Why do you seem to hold them in high 'private sector' esteem?


TMMAC Addict
Jul 16, 2015
The title of the thread should be amended to Democratic 2020 Suicide Watch after today's event.

Deleted member 1

Fuck Biden is turning into a gay cuck day by day. Used to think he could beat Trump but at this rate with his fake and gay bullshit it's not gonna end well for him and Trump will beat the brakes off him...

Biden rips 'white man's culture,' regrets Anita Hill hearing

Bloomberg took shots at this stuff recently...
Bloomberg Takes a Swipe at Beto’s White-Privilege “Apology Tour”

But he realizes the primary would eat him alive in the current climate.

“It’s just not going to happen on a national level for somebody like me, starting where I am, unless I was willing to change all my views and go on what CNN called ‘an apology tour,’” he said, referencing some of his would-be opponents. “Joe Biden went out and apologized for being male, over 50, white. He apologized for the one piece of legislation which is actually a pretty good anti-crime bill, which if the liberals ever read it, most of the things they like is in that bill,” he said. “They should have loved that. But they didn’t even bother to read it. You’re anti-crime, you must be anti-populist.”
The trend, he added, is not confined to Biden. “Beto, whatever his name is, he’s apologized for being born,
To be clear, there's some fucked up things about Anita Hill's treatment. Imagining that it is part of "white man's culture" as some identifying streak is divisive and suggests that Anita Hill, in a class/power differential against noted white man Clarence Thomas, would have received a more fair hearing with some non-white faces holding the hearing. Anita Hill would have only received a completely fair hearing if she had been at Thomas' level sociopolitically, and that wasn't gonna happen in 1991 no matter the race of those involved.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Bernie + Tulsi
both are too far Left, they'll invigorate the Right's base. I picked Booker, even though his recent comments on attacking the NRA might move some voters, but probably not in any battleground states.

I would have picked Delaney, because he's running a very early and personal campaign, but I don't think he gets over the Catholic Hurdle.

Once the race picks up, Kirsten Gillibrand will move to the front. Fairly centrist, she's a Hillary Clinton - without all the baggage.


Dec 15, 2018
Bloomberg took shots at this stuff recently...
Bloomberg Takes a Swipe at Beto’s White-Privilege “Apology Tour”

But he realizes the primary would eat him alive in the current climate.

To be clear, there's some fucked up things about Anita Hill's treatment. Imagining that it is part of "white man's culture" as some identifying streak is divisive and suggests that Anita Hill, in a class/power differential against noted white man Clarence Thomas, would have received a more fair hearing with some non-white faces holding the hearing. Anita Hill would have only received a completely fair hearing if she had been at Thomas' level sociopolitically, and that wasn't gonna happen in 1991 no matter the race of those involved.
Good point about the Hill/Thomas hearings.. I can't believe Bloomberg along with the Starbucks guy have been making so much sense lately. I can't remember if Bloomberg said Beto or Biden basically apologized for being White. How can you even get up in the morning hating your skin color so much you have to say sorry fam. Crazy times we live in...


Dec 15, 2018
both are too far Left, they'll invigorate the Right's base. I picked Booker, even though his recent comments on attacking the NRA might move some voters, but probably not in any battleground states.

I would have picked Delaney, because he's running a very early and personal campaign, but I don't think he gets over the Catholic Hurdle.

Once the race picks up, Kirsten Gillibrand will move to the front. Fairly centrist, she's a Hillary Clinton - without all the baggage.
Bernie is too old and Tulsi is not left enough to win the nomination. Booker is gay and Delaney is a weird looking bald guy. Gillibrand is the biggest fucking fake I've ever seen. She was basically a Conservative Democrat as a House Rep in upstate New York who even had an A rating by the NRA if I remember correctly and now she's basically a walking/talking Planned Parenthood/BLM/La Raza/LGBTQ123ABC billboard...


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Bernie is too old and Tulsi is not left enough to win the nomination. Booker is gay and Delaney is a weird looking bald guy. Gillibrand is the biggest fucking fake I've ever seen. She was basically a Conservative Democrat as a House Rep in upstate New York who even had an A rating by the NRA if I remember correctly and now she's basically a walking/talking Planned Parenthood/BLM/La Raza/LGBTQ123ABC billboard...
Exactly the point on Gillibrand - checks off enough boxes for the Progressive identity polictics, and won't rile up the MAGA voters.


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
Some debate question to ask democrat candidates

Have you ever falsely identified your race on any official document?

Should babies who survive abortions be allowed to live, or do you consider it a mother’s choice whether her child is killed or not, even after birth?

Should congressional sexual-harassment payments be made public?

Should military veterans get preference over immigrants, legal or illegal, in the public housing system?

Was U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders treated fairly by the Democratic Party during the 2016 primary campaign?

Should vaccines be mandatory?

Two of you up on stage are known plagiarists — Joe Biden and Warren. Have any of the rest of you ever plagiarized anything?

Should a politician who appears in blackface, or in full Ku Klux Klan regalia, resign from office, even if it means he will be replaced by a Republican?

How did Venezuela go from the richest country in South America to the poorest in 30 years? Could the catastrophe possibly be related to the embrace of socialism by that nation’s last two dictators?

Many Democrats have said that all women should be believed when they report sexual harassment or assault by men. Juanita Broaddrick has accused Bill Clinton of raping her — should she be believed?

Please raise your hand if as president you would order the removal of existing walls on the southern border.

In order to fight climate change, will you pledge to never again fly on a private jet during this campaign?
What crimes should be deportable offenses for an illegal immigrant? Drunk driving? Rape? Murder? Kidnapping? Animal abuse? Drug trafficking? Fraud?


Nov 15, 2015
Shit just got #MeToo real:

Elizabeth Warren Says She Believes Lucy Flores' Account Of Joe Biden's Unwanted Kiss

So Pocahontas turns on Creepy Uncle Joe for gettin #MeToo'd.
So exciting. Gonna be even more exciting that Repugs 2016 bloodbath.

But Joe should be okay, right? I mean ..... he has 30 more #MeToo's to go before he matches the current occupant of the White House's number, so now that i think about it - maybe he better get a'groping if he wants to actually win...

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Shit just got #MeToo real:

Elizabeth Warren Says She Believes Lucy Flores' Account Of Joe Biden's Unwanted Kiss

So Pocahontas turns on Creepy Uncle Joe for gettin #MeToo'd.
So exciting. Gonna be even more exciting that Repugs 2016 bloodbath.

But Joe should be okay, right? I mean ..... he has 30 more #MeToo's to go before he matches the current occupant of the White House's number, so now that i think about it - maybe he better get a'groping if he wants to actually win...
Difference is that Trump isn’t creepy.


Nov 15, 2015
Shit just got #MeToo real:

Elizabeth Warren Says She Believes Lucy Flores' Account Of Joe Biden's Unwanted Kiss

So Pocahontas turns on Creepy Uncle Joe for gettin #MeToo'd.
So exciting. Gonna be even more exciting that Repugs 2016 bloodbath.

But Joe should be okay, right? I mean ..... he has 30 more #MeToo's to go before he matches the current occupant of the White House's number, so now that i think about it - maybe he better get a'groping if he wants to actually win...
And the denial.

Biden Says He's 'Never' Acted Inappropriately After Unwanted Kiss Allegation | HuffPost

The Trump strategy. Lol. Smart.
The White House is his.

member 3289

Bernie's team is in a fundraising craze this weekend.

Something about hitting a target by midnight tonight


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Joe Biden remains the best chance for the Dems to win.
In the midst of the #MeToo movement, I don't see Joe as standing a chance.
I can't see the Bilderbergs green-lighting him to represent the democrats.

I don't know most of these characters, but I'm sure they all suck.
This is a throwaway election.