Society Derek Chauvin Trial - Live Thread

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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
oh i didnt hesr what she said actuallly. didnt know she called for riots.

in terms of her hoping for guilty verdicts, im proud of her

to play devils advocate, becyase our law system sucks, it was stupid for her to do it :(
I may be misunderstand but are you saying the separation of powers is stupid?


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Retard, attorney at law: 'President Biden prejudiced the case'

Judge: 'How?'

Retard: 'He said "I pray the verdict is the right verdict"'

Judge: 'Should he have said "I pray the verdict is the wrong verdict?" How can he prejudice the case if he didn't specifically say what verdict he was referring to and the jury couldn't hear him anyway?'


Judge: 'Get the fuck out of my coutroom'


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
if she was attorney general of the state, or a legislator there id agree

but because shes not, i dig what she said and wish others would do the same

i dont like maxine as she is a corporatist. corrupt dem

but she has a history of fighting for social issues. and i love that shes brave enough to express the views that many citizens and silent politicians share

lmao, she's brave... oh you left out she is black too

Waters' statements are ironic given her lawsuit against Trump for his words on Jan. 6

don't want to hijack the thread more than I have

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
I may be misunderstand but are you saying the separation of powers is stupid?
no no. im saying that theres thst line in that law code that opens up someth8bg like a cingress womans opinion as a potential method of getting the trial defaulted (im blanking on the word. an "A" word i think. but not "appealed")


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
no, but Murder2 is killing someone in the commission of another felony, even if you haven't been specifically convicted or plead to that felony.

I didn't know if there was some sort of pretrial agreement to some other charges which is why I asked. No need to get all bent out of shape.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
the only comment is one of faith in the American Justice System to do its job.
He's not voicing an opinion. He's walking a PR tightrope. Political jargon. "I hope they make the correct verdict". Joe needs to keep his decrepit, toothless mouth shut. Pandering sack of shit.

He should be focused on supporting local municipalities to contain the uproar when Chauvin is only found guilty on 1 of the 3 charges.

And if he was a true leader he would walk down the hall and smack Maxine Waters in her fucking face.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
He's not voicing an opinion. He's walking a PR tightrope. Political jargon. "I hope they make the correct verdict". Joe needs to keep his decrepit, toothless mouth shut. Pandering sack of shit.

He should be focused on supporting local municipalities to contain the uproar when Chauvin is only found guilty on 1 of the 3 charges.

And if he was a true leader he would walk down the hall and smack Maxine Waters in her fucking face.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
He's not voicing an opinion. He's walking a PR tightrope. Political jargon. "I hope they make the correct verdict". Joe needs to keep his decrepit, toothless mouth shut. Pandering sack of shit.

He should be focused on supporting local municipalities to contain the uproar when Chauvin is only found guilty on 1 of the 3 charges.

And if he was a true leader he would walk down the hall and smack Maxine Waters in her fucking face.
What'd Waters say exactly?


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
but she has a history of fighting for social issues. and i love that shes brave enough to express the views that many citizens and silent politicians share
She's a reckless bitch calling for people to be "more confrontational" if they don't get the verdict they want.

She needs to be removed from office. Now.

The Big Guy

I'm going to laugh if we get a not guilty or a hung jury. Even if he gets every charge they will still riot and destroy the city. We will see how community oriented BLM really is