Im voting for Hillary

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Nov 3, 2015
Mean is a bit of a misnomer. The media may portray him as "the big meanie", but you have to look deeper than that. What position of his in particular qualify him as such? Why doesn't anybody talk about potential improved relations with Russia? Or him wanting to broker the ultimate deal, peace between Israel and Palestine? That doesn't seem very mean to me. It's ambitious as fuck, borderline foolish, but why not shoot for the stars? This is where the new sense of America patriotism comes from. But it's being mislabeled as racism, misogyny, etc.


Same category as ISIS, yep, improvement for sure? (was posted by Splinty) I did saw Splinty @Splinty post something else where he talks about respecting Putin, but so what? Neither really tells me anything about actual policy he is trying to do. But I'm sure Putin isn't very happy or feels respected about that ISIS-thing.

The one issue I tried to discuss with Splinty @Splinty about was the wall and how he is going to make Mexico pay for it. And it is exactly by strong-arming them. Period.

What are his plans with Israel?

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Fredudian slip is strong with this one...:rolleyes:Calling Hillary a panderer yet going full throttle for Trump ... lol:
It's like "Oh remember all that shit I said before I got the nomination? Well I won, so now everything's negotiable. Thanks for the votes though, suckers!"
He's not perfect and not my first choice but you got a choice between him or Hillary. To me that decision is very easy to make. And regarding the negotiable topic Donald brings up a good point about having to change his tax plan to get it passed through to law. It may not be ideal but with a few compromises it can be closer to his tax plan than the current one. I wouldn't be surprised if he flip flopped on a couple of issues.

The best part about Donald to me is he is self funding the majority of his campaign and will not need to scratch the backs of these mega-donors like Hillary will.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Oh and, I have the feeling that big part of what makes Trump's success is, that he is not an established guy there, and that the media is not very fond of him, and everybody is just fed up with the current system.
Correct. That's exactly it.

I'm just not sure if this is a good dude to back for that.
Why not? Just because he's being portrayed as "mean" by the international media? I still haven't heard any good arguments as to why Hillary would make for a good 45th President. Just because it's her turn? Fuck that.

Do you agree with the assessment, that if Trump would not be in the primary-circus, and ran as independent from the get-go, he would have never gained the momentum he has now? If yes, then why do you think that is? It does not make him a better or worse candidate. Just a lot of the circus would be missing.
The circus would have gone on without him and passed him by. Just like Bernie had to use the democratic ticket as his way into the White House, Trump had to use the Republican ticket to do the same. And he's done so to great effect with little to no experience. That's something to be admired, imo.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015


Same category as ISIS, yep, improvement for sure? (was posted by Splinty) I did saw Splinty @Splinty post something else where he talks about respecting Putin, but so what? Neither really tells me anything about actual policy he is trying to do. But I'm sure Putin isn't very happy or feels respected about that ISIS-thing.

The one issue I tried to discuss with Splinty @Splinty about was the wall and how he is going to make Mexico pay for it. And it is exactly by strong-arming them. Period.

What are his plans with Israel?
Vladimir Putin calls Donald Trump a 'very colourful and talented man'
Russian president speaks warmly of US presidential hopeful at press conference in Moscow, following Trump’s praise for him

Vladimir Putin has given the Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump a ringing endorsement, reciprocating Trump’s praise for Russia.

“He is a very colourful and talented man, no doubt about that,” said Putin, speaking after his annual press conference in Moscow on Thursday. “He is the absolute leader of the presidential race, as we see it today. He says that he wants to move to another level of relations, to a deeper level of relations with Russia. How can we not welcome that? Of course we welcome it.”

Vladimir Putin calls Donald Trump a 'very colourful and talented man'


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Re: the wall -- totally missing the point again. It's a trade negotiation. The wall is a bargaining chip and he's using it as an incredibly effective campaign rally. I'm okay with white lies when the end justfies the means.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
What are his plans with Israel?
Before his big APAIC speech, Trump mentioned he wanted to broker the final peace deal between Israel and Palestine. It just goes to show that no idea is too great for him. Leadership quality, imo.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015

They are mostly idiots who have a few good points but play the populism-game badly (or well, however you wanna put it).
What's the deal with the violence stemming from the influx of immigrants I always hear about? I try to stay away from the mainstream sources that like to push an agenda (fox, msnbc, etc) but i have seen quite a few amateur videos showing this kind of stuff happening in Europe (Germany/Sweden mainly).


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
What's the deal with the violence stemming from the influx of immigrants I always hear about? I try to stay away from the mainstream sources that like to push an agenda (fox, msnbc, etc) but i have seen quite a few amateur videos showing this kind of stuff happening in Europe (Germany/Sweden mainly).
I'm confused. Where do you live??


Nov 3, 2015
Re: the wall -- totally missing the point again. It's a trade negotiation. The wall is a bargaining chip and he's using it as an incredibly effective campaign rally. I'm okay with white lies when the end justfies the means.
A matter of perspective I suppose. He threatens to change banking-laws in his country that would be bad for people in Mexico (and elsewhere), and to I guess put punitive tariffs on trade, unless the Mexican government does something completely unrelated for him, so he looks good in the eyes of his voters. Negotiation? Its a bullying-tactic for petty shit. A circus.

Before his big APAIC speech, Trump mentioned he wanted to broker the final peace deal between Israel and Palestine. It just goes to show that no idea is too great for him. Leadership quality, imo.
Hahahaha, well, so specific, eh? Doesn't everybody say this? Let me guess, if Hillary says it, you will call bullshit, but here it is leadership quality. Jeez.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Negotiation? Its a bullying-tactic for petty shit. A circus.

You continue to say that it's not related.
The focus is on ill-gotten gains that are funneled back to create a non in significant portion of Mexico's GDP.

Is it bullying whenever Mexico gives out guide books on how to sneak into the US and avoid detection like not going to nightclubs because immigration is more likely to catch you there?


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
A matter of perspective I suppose. He threatens to change banking-laws in his country that would be bad for people in Mexico (and elsewhere), and to I guess put punitive tariffs on trade, unless the Mexican government does something completely unrelated for him, so he looks good in the eyes of his voters. Negotiation? Its a bullying-tactic for petty shit. A circus.
How would American banking laws impact the Mexican economy? And the trade tariff is a fantastic idea. American companies are exploiting the trade imbalance to fatten their wallets. Trump says, if you want to exploit, you have to pay the tax. Sounds totally sensible to me.

Hahahaha, well, so specific, eh? Doesn't everybody say this? Let me guess, if Hillary says it, you will call bullshit, but here it is leadership quality. Jeez.
If Hillary said that, I would ask what steps has she taken in the past 20 years to get that effort underway?


Nov 3, 2015
You continue to say that it's not related.
The focus is on ill-gotten gains that are funneled back to create a non in significant portion of Mexico's GDP.
So why is he not just doing things against that anyway? Keeping the money in the US, and if you want to build shit from it then, do it.

And what does putting punitive tariffs on trade have to do ill-gotten gains?


Nov 3, 2015
And the trade tariff is a fantastic idea. American companies are exploiting the trade imbalance to fatten their wallets. Trump says, if you want to exploit, you have to pay the tax. Sounds totally sensible to me.
And why would he not put these tariffs up if Mexico pays for a wall??!?! Makes no fucking sense. Its unrelated shit.


Nov 3, 2015
If Hillary said that, I would ask what steps has she taken in the past 20 years to get that effort underway?
And she probably could answer you. Was she in a position to get it done at any point though?
So basically giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. That is thin.


Nov 3, 2015
Why not? Just because he's being portrayed as "mean" by the international media?
I think he is potentially quite dangerous. So is Hillary. Your choices suck in my eyes.
And anyone who denies climate change and wants to go back on that, is bad for the world imho.

Vladimir Putin calls Donald Trump a 'very colourful and talented man'
So what happens when Trump will stop being cautious with Putin? Better relations? Putin the dude who loves to back down happily. How do you guys see that pan out? He will play Trump as far as he can as well, and he is already beginning.

She was Secretary of State. She had her chance
So lets just give everyone his shot who talks big?

I don't get what you're asking...
What do trade-tariffs have to do with Mexico paying for a wall?


Nov 15, 2015
He's not perfect and not my first choice but you got a choice between him or Hillary. To me that decision is very easy to make. And regarding the negotiable topic Donald brings up a good point about having to change his tax plan to get it passed through to law. It may not be ideal but with a few compromises it can be closer to his tax plan than the current one. I wouldn't be surprised if he flip flopped on a couple of issues.

The best part about Donald to me is he is self funding the majority of his campaign and will not need to scratch the backs of these mega-donors like Hillary will.
To me, as shitty as Shillary is, she is a far better choice than "loose Canon" Trump.
She has at least worked for the government. She panders, but he straight out lies... and then flip flops about his lies.
None of his stances mean anything.
He will NOT build a wall to keep Mexicans out. - feel good rhetoric that can't be done.
He will NOT deport 15 million immigrants. - feel good rhetoric that can't be done.
He will NOT "ban muslims" from coming to America - feel good rhetoric that can't be done.
Those are the very definition of pandering to xenophobic racist fears. Funny thing is if he ever got elected, (which he won't) those who support him now will hate him for not doing those things.