Im voting for Hillary

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Nov 3, 2015
Our current President also promised us the world and all we got out of the deal was mandated private healthcare. lmao.
So what you do is turn around and believe just as strong in some other guy? :D

The idea that Trump will somehow drive us into the ground is as dumb as the idea that Obama was going to turn the US into a Muslim territory. It's baseless fear.
He is the loosest cannon out there and has zero accolades in the field.

Hauler @Alco Hauler Guess what, Neill DeGrasse Tyson makes money for his TV-stuff as well, that doesn't make the content he delivers automatically false.
And yeah I have never seen anything by Al Gore, don't really care about that guy.

Likewise, responses to anything, including global warming deserve a proportional response that includes realizing these arent just abstract ideas when you limit or add regulation.
And what do you think off Trump's stance on it? Proportional response?


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
So what you do is turn around and believe just as strong in some other guy? :D
Shit no. I have massive reservations about Trump. Check my post history. I've even more recently suggested he still wanted a way out via Bernie, but I was so wrong. Donald Trump is in it to win it.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Guess what, Neill DeGrasse Tyson makes money for his TV-stuff as well, that doesn't make the content he delivers automatically false.
I never said it was completely false.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Where are the Hillary crowds?!? How she is winning the democratic nomination is totally beyond me. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if a huge voter fraud scandal broke out.

i only see Trump/Bernie stickers and signs around here in the Midwest. I've seen a few Cruz yard signs and 1 Hillary sticker but it was on a lightpole and all scratched up. my mom is probably going to vote for Hillary because she thinks trump insults people too much and doesn't act like a president should. that's her only reason...


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015

He didn't.

4 out of hundreds of business went bankrupt.

What...this is what we do. That is the system.

This is the reality. It's exactly what we have been doing for 8 years and more. It is the EXACT argument about the artificial debt ceiling. That's what we do.

Obama said we borrow and print more. Congress said don't borrow and print anymore and put services on hold immediately. The media runs around yelling that we're about to default on our debt. Which of course we were not going to. But some government services will probably stop all of a sudden. Trump said nothing more than support the status quo here. He's supporting that we should not hit a debt ceiling. The anger here is incredible for not understanding the actual system. He's against the GOP here. He's completely the same position as Obama and every other president.

Ever since there was growing debt this is exactly how we've been paying it. We continue to grow expenditures continue to put it on the credit card. Currently, Not borrowing is defaulting.

Also, you and everyone else totally bought the Trump wants to default on debt hook line and sinker...really you don't even get the actual quote in that article. Just a manipulative opinion piece.

Here's the actual interview:

Do you believe that we, in terms of the United States, need to pay a hundred cents on the dollar, or do you think that there's actually ways that we can renegotiate that debt?" CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin asked him.

"Yeah, I think — look, I have borrowed, knowing that you can pay back with discounts. And I have done very well," Trump said. "I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal, and if the economy was good, it was good, so, therefore, you can't lose".

That is exactly the system. He states clearly that he would borrow. That's the exact reason we keep borrowing because it's an educated risk. Not borrowing IS DEFAULTING. Trump simply spoke the exact reality of why we do it. Until we cut spending, you borrow to pay the debt.

We're in a different situation with the country," he said. "Now you are talking about, you know, you're talking about something that's very, very fragile, and it has to be handled very, very carefully."

But let's be clear. I mean, you're not talking about renegotiating sovereign bonds that the U.S. has already issued?" CNBC's Becky Quick asked him.

"No. I don't want to renegotiate the bonds," Trump said. "But I think you can do discounting, I think, you know, depending on where interest rates are, I think you can buy back — you can — I'm not talking about with a renegotiation, but you can buy back at discounts."

It's clear as day that he is taking about refinancing if the interest rates are favorable. To paying off debt with better debt. Which again we've done before.
Yeah, it's classic Keynesian economics. Borrow, spend now, use growth to pay debt later.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
i only see Trump/Bernie stickers and signs around here in the Midwest. I've seen a few Cruz yard signs and 1 Hillary sticker but it was on a lightpole and all scratched up. my mom is probably going to vote for Hillary because she thinks trump insults people too much and doesn't act like a president should. that's her only reason...
I'm in the Midwest as well. Saw some Cruz / Kasich / Trump signs when we were in the primary stage. Mostly Kasich (Ohio). Now I only see Trump signs. Have yet to see a Hillary sign. I've seen a few Bernie bumper stickers.

Doesn't mean much though. I didn't see many Obama signs back in 2008 or 2012 and Ohio still went blue those years - unfortunately.

Ohio has voted for the winning candidate in every presidential election since 1964.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
And/or living in the past? Lol at him using the same minesweeper-example now as 30 years ago and his machine-talk. Is that all he got?

Lets talk a little bit about your Dear Leader for a second shall we? is she retarded?