Im voting for Hillary

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First 100
Jan 15, 2015
And anyone who denies climate change and wants to go back on that, is bad for the world imho.
Agreed. His gaffe about vaccines causing autism was also nearly unforgivable.

So what happens when Trump will stop being cautious with Putin
Won't happen. Trump is a counter-puncher and Putin knows it. They may posture back and forth, but Trump has made it clear that he prefers improved relations and they have already started off on the right foot. No need to be cynical there until either side shows good reason to be.

So lets just give everyone his shot who talks big?
Everyone gets a fair shot. Unfortunately Elon Musk decided not to run for President this time around. The Donald is not perfect, but he will be a tremendous step up from the characters we've dealt with for the past 16 years (or at least since I've been paying attention).

What do trade-tariffs have to do with Mexico paying for a wall?
The tariff will be levied against American businesses who seek to manufacture their product outside of the country to exploit cheap labor, only to turn around, re-import the product and sell it back to the disenfranchised American people. Mexico will pay for the wall, by default, when President Trump fixes the trade imbalance.

You also mentioned something about our laws having a negative impact on Mexico's economy. In order to prevent that, should we continue to exploit our workers for the sake of their country?? This is the sentiment behind Trump's more recent campaign slogan "America First." The liberal media would have you think that's war mongering. I see it as being fiscally responsible to ourselves before taking care of the rest of the world.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
This is the sentiment behind Trump's more recent campaign slogan "America First." The liberal media would have you think that's war mongering. I see it as being fiscally responsible to ourselves before taking care of the rest of the world.
My man.

And the beautiful byproduct that not starting wars in lybia on behalf of the French (thanks Hillary), actually keeps us safer and stops us being the policemen.

Imagine if Obama had rebuilt the Democrat strong holds of Detroit and Chicago instead stepping up the drone war and building schools everywhere else.

Take care of your house first.


Nov 3, 2015
What's the deal with the violence stemming from the influx of immigrants I always hear about? I try to stay away from the mainstream sources that like to push an agenda (fox, msnbc, etc) but i have seen quite a few amateur videos showing this kind of stuff happening in Europe (Germany/Sweden mainly).
No idea, but I guess most of them are bullshit. I know I saw one that was touted as some new thing but in reality was 8 years old.
If you go by numbers, its logical that more people = more crime.
In fact, the number of crimes (all crimes) committed by refugees has gone up by 79%. However, the number of refugees has gone up by 440%. With most criminal refugees coming from the Balkans, Eritrea and Nigeria, not Iraq and Syria.
What did pick up also though are crimes against them or against (from their inner circle and from neo-nazis).

As to the AfD, in general, they are a smaller party trying to take votes away from the far-right, which is never a bad idea, and trying to fish in the centre with a little fear-mongering. But they clearly have stances that are put very extreme and can + will be changed if they should get anywhere near power. Funnily they already did say that some stances are not negotiable (like not letting Turkey join the EU - soft!). The people themselves, well, I'm not a fan so far.

The biggest point in their program are these:
-big changes to EU, maybe even abolish it, and leave the EURO, get our old money back
Generally I think the EU needs to change, but not how they want it, and don't abolish it.
About the money.. I'm not sure it could work out better for everyone, I don't think we would have a problem, but its possible that countries like Greece could get it even worse, so I don't know.

-all nuclear weapons need to be gone, perhaps leave the NATO
Yeah, get these fuckers out of here, leaving the NATO, hmm changing it perhaps. But our position in it is weak anyway, so we could leave it and make something new.

-official stance that Islam is not part of Germany, ban minarets, ban full body veils, ban slaughtering animals kosher or halal, Islamic organizations won't be official entities anymore
Mainly bullshit. First of all, if you wanna have a go at religions, fine, but not like this. And our Jews won't like that shit either. :D Banning full-body veils would be fine by me, however. If you go at minarets and muezzins, do the same with church-bells. The international community, UN and everybody would take a shit at us too. Just way too extreme.

-way stronger boarder-presence by the police and even military
Don't really care. At least new jobs, right?

-changes in family-policies, against feminism and quotas, support for families that produce a lot of children, 'traditional' shiz
They live yesterday. Only good thing: against quotas.

-tax overhauls, making stuff easier
That's what everyone says. Direct numbers or suggestions? Not existent.

-German banks should not be liable for foreign banks
Hmm, just sounds very out there in the multinational banking-system.

-Yes to nuclear energy. Stop our withdrawal from it, and start new research into it. Stop our new clean-energy initiatives. Climate change is propaganda, fracking should be allowed.
Fucking idiots. Sounds to me as if big energy-companies wrote that.


Nov 3, 2015
To me, as shitty as Shillary is, she is a far better choice than "loose Canon" Trump.
She has at least worked for the government. She panders, but he straight out lies... and then flip flops about his lies.
None of his stances mean anything.
He will NOT build a wall to keep Mexicans out. - feel good rhetoric that can't be done.
He will NOT deport 15 million immigrants. - feel good rhetoric that can't be done.
He will NOT "ban muslims" from coming to America - feel good rhetoric that can't be done.
Those are the very definition of pandering to xenophobic racist fears. Funny thing is if he ever got elected, (which he won't) those who support him now will hate him for not doing those things.
Very likely.
And the beautiful byproduct that not starting wars in lybia on behalf of the French (thanks Hillary), actually keeps us safer and stops us being the policemen.
Cool if it were so, and its the popular stance, right? But he wants to bomb ISIS into the ground too, its not like he seeks peace there. He will just search his battlegrounds like any other American president did I think..
Won't happen. Trump is a counter-puncher and Putin knows it. They may posture back and forth, but Trump has made it clear that he prefers improved relations and they have already started off on the right foot. No need to be cynical there until either side shows good reason to be.
:sunflower: for optimism. :)
The tariff will be levied against American businesses who seek to manufacture their product outside of the country to exploit cheap labor, only to turn around, re-import the product and sell it back to the disenfranchised American people. Mexico will pay for the wall, by default, when President Trump fixes the trade imbalance.
Only against American businesses? I'm gonna tell that my manager buddy at Thyssen Krupp (who produce steel or something in Mexico and have all kinds of shit going on in the US too. That would be a big boon for them then! Bad for American businesses though... I wonder if they would just sell their factories then to non-American businesses, and still get it from there... or maybe there is even an easier way to circumvent that. Or just build your factories elsewhere.

And no, that's not by default, and that's not Mexico paying either. Also he is threatening to do that if they don't pay, no? That still has nothing to do with a wall.
You also mentioned something about our laws having a negative impact on Mexico's economy. In order to prevent that, should we continue to exploit our workers for the sake of their country??
No connection. He talked about changing banking laws so illegal aliens can't transfer money out of country anymore, and apparently a lot goes to Mexican families. But only if Mexico doesn't pay for the wall. Cause reasons and connections. And if Mexico pays the laws won't be changed, cause reasons and connections.
Its a bullying-tactic.. why is that so hard to accept?
I see it as being fiscally responsible to ourselves before taking care of the rest of the world.
Oh how simple.
Fine in theory.
No reason to strongarm people into paying for random projects you want though.

You either do it or you don't.
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First 100
Jan 15, 2015
And no, that's not by default, and that's not Mexico paying either. Also he is threatening to do that if they don't pay, no? That still has nothing to do with a wall.
Mexico isn't going to write us a check for $8 to $10 billion. The idea is to reverse the trade imbalance, inspire a renaissance in American industrial production, and pay for the wall with that reverse cash flow.

No connection. He talked about changing banking laws so illegal aliens can't transfer money out of country anymore, and apparently a lot goes to Mexican families. But only if Mexico doesn't pay for the wall. Cause reasons and connections. And if Mexico pays the laws won't be changed, cause reasons and connections.
Its a bullying-tactic.. why is that so hard to accept?
You call it a bullying tactic. I call it firm negotiations from a seasoned business man. We'll have to wait to see how things play out. But I'm also 100% okay with Trump closing a loophole that illegal immigrants exploit to send untaxed money home. Surely a process will remain for legal residents to send money, but if they want to do it, they're going to have to do it legally.


Nov 3, 2015
The idea is to reverse the trade imbalance, inspire a renaissance in American industrial production,
Sometimes trade deficits are unavoidable, reverse it.. geez. That will not happen in the next 50 years at least. If Trump does what he talks about, he will weaken Mexico even more, so how should they be able to get on your level, so you can have balanced trade with them? This is madness. Unless you weaken yourself.., which is probably what will happen, lol.
What you should try to do is strengthen them perhaps, so there is less incentive for all the negative things you encounter.

Punitive tariffs is something that gets used here and there, but it is directly done for specific products, not just put on a whole country. For example we do it a lot to China, and they to us and threaten shit here and there.. annoying shit, but necessary to a point (for certain products). WTO is not happy about it either.

You call it a bullying tactic. I call it firm negotiations from a seasoned business man. We'll have to wait to see how things play out. But I'm also 100% okay with Trump closing a loophole that illegal immigrants exploit to send untaxed money home. Surely a process will remain for legal residents to send money, but if they want to do it, they're going to have to do it legally.
If you don't give me your lunch money, I will beat you up and take it anyway!
Also unrelated issues but a cool negotiation, right?

If he wants to do the tariffs, it is either random if you just do it to Mexico (again bullying :p), or if you do it across the board, I'm pretty sure it will hurt you guys more in the long run. I understand the thought, but in our globalized economy.. most of these jobs will never come back to the US unless the other countries get on their level in work costs, or the US comes down in level. Couple that with the fact that he actually wants to send millions of low-wage workers away, how do you see this going? A lot of Americans working for shit all to do hard work? Newsflash: no company is going to pay you big money for these kind of jobs, it doesn't make sense for them. And it will be easy to circumvent as well, and probably hinder investment.
Unless of course, you go full socialist and regulate all the market very strongly... which I don't see him doing.

And if he actually should succeed in building up your industry again by punishing everything that is made off-shore, then good luck seeing Apple die. Nobody is going to pay for an American-made (or more expensive product by punishment) Iphone/Ipad whatever. Samsung will wipe Apple off the market. Just an example, but a big one.
Your exports will die, and you will have even bigger trade deficits. Then what, more punitive tariffs?

What you should concentrate on is new technology and research, get your good minds working, do space stuff. Getting those old jobs back is a romantic idea, hardly realistic. What you have going for you is innovative stuff like Elon Musk does, silicon valley, clean energy and whatnot. That is your future.
Instead Trump wants the old days back? To match China in industry? The smog will be nice. This will not be good for you or the world.. Just look at those tweets:





This delusional grandpa will fuck our planet, thank you.

As for the banking laws, sure, if you wanna try that, do it. But why use it to threaten? Plus, I'm sure they will find a way to funnel that money anyway.


Nov 15, 2015
Wow, The man is stupid.
He just basically said "Hey world, I don't know the difference between weather and climate!"
I'm pretty sure Shillary does.

Oh and he just said America should "print more money" to get out of defaulting on our debt:
Donald Trump just made a new mess while walking back his controversial plan for US debt

He's on drugs/I don't give a fuck mode. LOL.
Now we see how he became bankrupt four times. Just print money!o_O
Because that worked so well for Zimbabwe....


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Sometimes trade deficits are unavoidable, reverse it.. geez. That will not happen in the next 50 years at least. If Trump does what he talks about, he will weaken Mexico even more, so how should they be able to get on your level, so you can have balanced trade with them? This is madness. Unless you weaken yourself.., which is probably what will happen, lol.
What you should try to do is strengthen them perhaps, so there is less incentive for all the negative things you encounter.
This is nuts to me. We are nearly $20 TRILLION dollars in debt. If Mexico's economy is shit, and their citizens want to flee to a better land because of it, that's their problem to fix, not ours. The world loves to throw shade at America for being involved in everyone's affairs, but now the slightest inclination that we start taking care of ourselves and the parallels go straight to Nazi Germany. It's asinine.

If he wants to do the tariffs, it is either random if you just do it to Mexico (again bullying :p), or if you do it across the board, I'm pretty sure it will hurt you guys more in the long run. I understand the thought, but in our globalized economy.. most of these jobs will never come back to the US unless the other countries get on their level in work costs, or the US comes down in level. Couple that with the fact that he actually wants to send millions of low-wage workers away, how do you see this going? A lot of Americans working for shit all to do hard work? Newsflash: no company is going to pay you big money for these kind of jobs, it doesn't make sense for them. And it will be easy to circumvent as well, and probably hinder investment.
Unless of course, you go full socialist and regulate all the market very strongly... which I don't see him doing.
Good points. Again, we can only speculate as to how it will affect what, but it's far past time a competent business man tried to take control of our debt problem. Romney could have potentially done a decent job, but he was just another monotonous puppet. Nobody can control Donald Trump, and that's the best part.

And if he actually should succeed in building up your industry again by punishing everything that is made off-shore, then good luck seeing Apple die. Nobody is going to pay for an American-made (or more expensive product by punishment) Iphone/Ipad whatever. Samsung will wipe Apple off the market. Just an example, but a big one.
Your exports will die, and you will have even bigger trade deficits. Then what, more punitive tariffs?
Remember, it's all political posturing at this point. It's campaign season. Everyone is talking a big game. The only difference is, Donald Trump has the business accolades that suggest he will actually succeed in moving the country forward, as opposed to the last 16 years of stagnance. Trade will be re-negotiated and all parties will come out happy. It's Donald Trump. It's what he does.

What you should concentrate on is new technology and research, get your good minds working, do space stuff. Getting those old jobs back is a romantic idea, hardly realistic. What you have going for you is innovative stuff like Elon Musk does, silicon valley, clean energy and whatnot. That is your future.
Everyone is concentrating on that. It's the future of us as a species. But as you said, you expect industrial mining to go away in the next 50 years? Fuck no. We're all addicted to those resource. Why not continue to improve industry with new technology? Clean coal will only get cleaner if we continue to study it. It's simply a more cost-effective solution right now, so we'll use it until the new, more cost-effective energy technology comes to be (i.e. nuclear fusion).


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Now we see how he became bankrupt four times

He didn't.

4 out of hundreds of business went bankrupt.

Oh and he just said America should "print more money" to get out of defaulting on our debt:
Donald Trump just made a new mess while walking back his controversial plan for US debt

What...this is what we do. That is the system.

This is the reality. It's exactly what we have been doing for 8 years and more. It is the EXACT argument about the artificial debt ceiling. That's what we do.

Obama said we borrow and print more. Congress said don't borrow and print anymore and put services on hold immediately. The media runs around yelling that we're about to default on our debt. Which of course we were not going to. But some government services will probably stop all of a sudden. Trump said nothing more than support the status quo here. He's supporting that we should not hit a debt ceiling. The anger here is incredible for not understanding the actual system. He's against the GOP here. He's completely the same position as Obama and every other president.

Ever since there was growing debt this is exactly how we've been paying it. We continue to grow expenditures continue to put it on the credit card. Currently, Not borrowing is defaulting.

Also, you and everyone else totally bought the Trump wants to default on debt hook line and sinker...really you don't even get the actual quote in that article. Just a manipulative opinion piece.

Here's the actual interview:

Do you believe that we, in terms of the United States, need to pay a hundred cents on the dollar, or do you think that there's actually ways that we can renegotiate that debt?" CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin asked him.

"Yeah, I think — look, I have borrowed, knowing that you can pay back with discounts. And I have done very well," Trump said. "I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal, and if the economy was good, it was good, so, therefore, you can't lose".

That is exactly the system. He states clearly that he would borrow. That's the exact reason we keep borrowing because it's an educated risk. Not borrowing IS DEFAULTING. Trump simply spoke the exact reality of why we do it. Until we cut spending, you borrow to pay the debt.

We're in a different situation with the country," he said. "Now you are talking about, you know, you're talking about something that's very, very fragile, and it has to be handled very, very carefully."

But let's be clear. I mean, you're not talking about renegotiating sovereign bonds that the U.S. has already issued?" CNBC's Becky Quick asked him.

"No. I don't want to renegotiate the bonds," Trump said. "But I think you can do discounting, I think, you know, depending on where interest rates are, I think you can buy back — you can — I'm not talking about with a renegotiation, but you can buy back at discounts."

It's clear as day that he is taking about refinancing if the interest rates are favorable. To paying off debt with better debt. Which again we've done before.


Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Qat not admitting the cuck state of Germany and Sweden makes me think he is a shill. You didn't have mass gropings in Colonne 10 years ago eh?


Nov 3, 2015
This is nuts to me. We are nearly $20 TRILLION dollars in debt. If Mexico's economy is shit, and their citizens want to flee to a better land because of it, that's their problem to fix, not ours. The world loves to throw shade at America for being involved in everyone's affairs, but now the slightest inclination that we start taking care of ourselves and the parallels go straight to Nazi Germany. It's asinine.
Not sure what that has to do with trade deficits or where I did that.
I'm saying he can do all these things, albeit some seem to make little sense to me. What he should do is go against NAFTA (which apparently in hindsight was bad for everyone, even Mexico!), and stop the other trade-contract-shitshows like TTIP etc. I hope he does at least that.
I just find it stupid to play the bully and pander to such low values. No need for that.
Nobody can control Donald Trump, and that's the best part.
Also dangerous.
Donald Trump has the business accolades that suggest he will actually succeed in moving the country forward,
Does he? Real estate isn't exactly rocket science.
as opposed to the last 16 years of stagnance
Data on that? To my knowledge you always grew with the exception of 2008/2009.
Trade will be re-negotiated and all parties will come out happy. It's Donald Trump. It's what he does.
All parties as in everybody outside the US too? And not all parties will, the big companies won't, which isn't a concern to me though.
Also, good hugging. Its like talking to a Conor hugger. "It will be good because you said so".
Americans gobbled the change-stuff up, now you gobble this guy up. At least Obama has a clue about climate change, though.
But as you said, you expect industrial mining to go away in the next 50 years?
Of course not.
Why not continue to improve industry with new technology?
Absolutely we should, but first, that doesn't mean the industry has to be in your country as well, just because you do the research. And second, if you try to force shit, like fracking.. well.
Clean coal
There is no such thing. Sorry to burst your bubble. ;) And also third, Trump doesn't believe in this stuff making dirt.. so yeah. Will he go for clean energy, or will your cities have days like this in a couple of years:


Nov 3, 2015
Qat not admitting the cuck state of Germany and Sweden makes me think he is a shill. You didn't have mass gropings in Colonne 10 years ago eh?
Shill for what? I won't admit to any stupid meme-word that was created by nuthuggers in a circus, why would I? Just because you would like to hear it and it would fit into your world-view?

And yeah we did have organized crime and normal crime even 10 years ago.
Dude, I live in Berlin, we have crime-families, Mafiosi from Lebanon, Turkey, Russia, Vietnam, Poland, Italy, Germany and whatever else like any other country has. Shit happens all the time. Its just not a big story around the world because of all the fear-mongers that you also fall victim to.
We don't have 'ghettos' like the French or Belgians, that really is not a good system. No idea how it works in Sweden.

It might have been 10 years ago, a while ago at least, when at a big opening party for a new train station a dude went around with a knife and stabbed around 30 people randomly going through the crowd. That is equally shitty, and it was just one German guy. I guess you didn't hear about that, right?
Now, if that would have been a Muslim refugee.. good lord! Our country would be finished by now! Oh please.
Or when we still had the loveparade, some fucking idiots went around with syringes infecting random people with AIDS.
Shit happens. Crimes happen.

Now it was a (known) criminal group mainly from Lybia, who did invite some others to mask their shit. There were like 2 or 3 refugees from Iraq/Syria amongst them.
Some trials already took place.
Politics even reacted in changing some laws to have a stricter punishments for such things, and to make it easier to deport criminal non-citizens, which is fine. There were reactions.
And frankly, these whole issues are blown way out of proportion. Fear-mongering.

Think about a Muslim that would behave here, like you do in Thailand, what would you have us do with him? What should the Thais do with you?


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Will he go for clean energy, or will your cities have days like this in a couple of years:

He's for all energy options, including a strong supporter of nuclear which is huge.

Wind is good here in Texas. Solar is good in Arizona. Solar is worthless in East Texas. They have their place and are being used.

Nuclear is the ONLY clean energy option currently that could meet most of our energy needs.

We will have more nuclear. That's the biggest energy move for me.

Data on that? To my knowledge you always grew with the exception of 2008/2009
GDP is a worthless value without concomitant inflation adjusted median wage increases.

We have 30 years of stagnating wages and the last 15 years are especially bad.

The average American has not been taking part in the GDP growth.

That might be the disconnect on why others looking at country stats miss the visceral nature of this year's election.

Flat wages. Flat employment. Endless debt. Endless war.

Just a ton of kicking the can down the street domestically and foreign policy wise.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
The world loves to throw shade at America for being involved in everyone's affairs, but now the slightest inclination that we start taking care of ourselves and the parallels go straight to Nazi Germany. It's asinine.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner. So much correct in this statement.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
And anyone who denies climate change and wants to go back on that, is bad for the world imho.
I don't think man's impact on mother earth is anywhere close to what climate change supporters make it out to be. The entire climate change initiative has turned into a huge money making machine. All you have to do is follow the money.

There are plenty of scientists who rebuke the climate change theories, stating that temperature swings are cyclical and man's impact on them is negligible.

BUT - I'm also a lover of nature and believe that reducing pollution is a good thing. I like fresh air. I think it's a good thing to recycle. Regulations that keep industries from polluting our lakes and rivers are important.

No, I'm not a climate change honk. But that doesn't make me an irresponsible member of society.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Q @Qat, I didn't mean to suggest you made that comparison, but it's one we constantly hear. Orange skin, wants to be like hitler, hates women, etc, etc. They're all unfounded and knee-jerk reactions, which is exactly what Trump supporters are being criticized as, simple-minded, knee-jerk supporters. It's the only reason I'm bothering to type all this shit out. I don't think it's fair to throw the "dumb American" stereotype at every political issue that doesn't resonate internationally.

And I don't mean to argue on behalf of fossil fuels. I want to see them go just as badly as the next person. But we have to be realistic about where we are today and what technology is available to us. Those tides will change, but it won't happen in the next eight years.


Nov 3, 2015
I don't think man's impact on mother earth is anywhere close to what climate change supporters make it out to be. The entire climate change initiative has turned into a huge money making machine. All you have to do is follow the money.
That's the knockout-argument, isn't it?
What happens if you follow the money? It will lead to 90-something percent of scientist on this matter who are being bought, or what?
And the few who stand against it, have no backing at all and are poor?
Its all a big conspiracy? Wouldn't that be fun.

And even if some scientists use this stuff to get research funded more easily, which is probably hard to do in that field if you research something else, that does not make it false.
I worked in research myself and know that you sometimes steer your project into something else a little bit because you get more funding with it. That doesn't mean you are being bought or that you do shit.

There are plenty of scientists who rebuke the climate change theories, stating that temperature swings are cyclical and man's impact on them is negligible.
Of course it is cyclical as well, show me one credible scientist who claims otherwise, it is both.

If only we were over-sceptical like this with the ozone depletion, right? Do you know what that is? And how negligent our impact on that was?
Cancer for everyone! Yay!
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Nov 3, 2015
They're all unfounded and knee-jerk reactions, which is exactly what Trump supporters are being criticized as, simple-minded, knee-jerk supporters. It's the only reason I'm bothering to type all this shit out. I don't think it's fair to throw the "dumb American" stereotype at every political issue that doesn't resonate internationally.
As I already said, I don't think you guys are dumb. I know plenty other Americans too, we are all just people.

However, if you drink his kool-aid just like that and treat him like a god (jokingly or not), then you can't complain being seen as knee-jerk supporters.

And I don't mean to argue on behalf of fossil fuels. I want to see them go just as badly as the next person. But we have to be realistic about where we are today and what technology is available to us. Those tides will change, but it won't happen in the next eight years.
You can start laying the ground-work now. We did it. Trump rather seems as if he wants to revert stuff.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
However, if you drink his kool-aid just like that and treat him like a god (jokingly or not), then you can't complain being seen as knee-jerk supporters.

You can start laying the ground-work now. We did it. Trump rather seems as if he wants to revert stuff.
Our current President also promised us the world and all we got out of the deal was mandated private healthcare. lmao. Now we're ready for something new, so a conservative President will take his place. Such is the ebb and flow of American politics. The idea that Trump will somehow drive us into the ground is as dumb as the idea that Obama was going to turn the US into a Muslim territory. It's baseless fear.

Political memes are just the modern day political cartoon. It's [current year] and we expect our information fast, so we create it ourselves and share it quickly for a reaction. They're not meant to be taken seriously -- only to inspire thought and debate.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Q @Qat Al Gore's net worth is $200,000,000. He lives in a $2.5 million dollar house. He has a pretty awesome yacht, too. I'm sure they are all solar powered though. ;)

The only "green" that he cares about is the piles of cash flying into his bank account.

That's what I meant by follow the money. That's one example, anyway. I'm not suggesting that scientists are bought to provide an opinion one way or another - although that does happen on both sides of any issue.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
If only we were over-sceptical like this with the ozone depletion, right? Do you know what that is? And how negligent our impact on that was?
Cancer for everyone! Yay!

This is a great example.
We should have removed CFCs from much of industry. But then people went extreme and actually forced the removal from asthma inhalers as well.
Generic 4 dollar inhalers are now gone and replaced for 80 bucks as a new propellant was required.

The ozone layered healed while cfc asthma inhalers were used (they contributed to barely any CFC) . but that didn't stop the push for ZERO, consequences be damned.

Likewise, responses to anything, including global warming deserve a proportional response that includes realizing these arent just abstract ideas when you limit or add regulation.