I now see we've been on different wave lengths this entire time. See, you've been considering a Democratic House impeachment, a win. Meanwhile, when I've said "he's not going to be impeached", I've meant that he isn't going to be removed from office. Which he isn't, and while you probably wouldn't ever admit it, you know that as well.ANNNND IT'S ALL OVER!
@Wild you ok bro? I'm here for hugs if you need em. Plus the free reach-around
This House impeachment is like charging an innocent black guy with murder, and putting 12 KKK members on the jury. Of course the guy is gonna be convicted....by a sick group of people operating within a corrupt system. No different than this impeachment "win" for the Dems. Oh well. Win now, lose big in 2020. The chickens are going to come home to roost in 11 months.