General John2054 megathread: my name was just mentioned on live uk national radio, cool huh?!

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graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
you dont understand. i had a full house k 9 in my hand, and it was a kk9 on the flop, so i thought the game was in the bag.and went all in, as you would do, and he beat me with a better full house, k a, on the turn. What are the chances of that. Sorry mate, it's bullshit. that game is rigged to fuck. i have read lots of stories of this exact thing happening to other players, so im not convinced. I'm actually quite happy to go to a real casino, and take some real money, say £50, and see if i can double it.

god help me. god help us all

and god help this woman who i am about to see in just under two hours time, when she gets me under her roof!


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
What are the chances of that.
That's different than the hand you originally explained. Having said that, if someone flopped a set of kings and had an ace kicker, I wouldn't expect them to fold it when the flop came K,K,9 because only donkeys play K,9.

and no I wouldn't go all in on that flop. That's another donkey move.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
listen mate, say what you want. i had a full house, the chances of him getting an ace on the river or the turn, are like what 1/7 at best. Say what you want, but that is a very strong odds in my favour. Are you seriously telling me you wouldn't go all in on that? And i didn't go all in before the flop,i went in after. idiot.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
listen mate, say what you want. i had a full house, the chances of him getting an ace on the river or the turn, are like what 1/7 at best. Say what you want, but that is a very strong odds in my favour. Are you seriously telling me you wouldn't go all in on that? And i didn't go all in before the flop,i went in after. idiot.
Please refrain from calling other members idiots.


Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
I'm heading over to see her now....I'll let you know what happened!

Oh wait, which account am I logged into?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
listen mate, say what you want. i had a full house, the chances of him getting an ace on the river or the turn, are like what 1/7 at best.
He didn't need to an Ace. He needed to hit a better hand than you had. A,K is not the only hand that potentially beats your K,9 full house.

Are you seriously telling me you wouldn't go all in on that?
No, I wouldn't it's a weak full house and anyone playing against it has a lot of outs. Even when you have the absolute nuts, you still don't shove all in. You extract as much money as possible, you can't do that by chasing people out of the pot.

And i didn't go all in before the flop,i went in after.
I didn't say you did. I've been playing poker for a long time and I'll still be playing long after you've decided poker is unwinnable. If you want to continue losing, keep thumbing your nose at sound advice. Makes no difference to me.

Gee, I wonder why people don't like you.

member 3289

Any one else torn on whether to put on ignore or continue to watch the train wreck?
I'm holding out to see the eventual crash and burn, but if shit threads like this continue, I may have to reconsider.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
k9 on in my hand (and you only get two cards, and there are only 3 on the flop) and kk9 on the flop, means that i have a full house. the odds of him having a king AND a higher than nine, in his hand are not one in 7, you are right. they are something 1/7*1/2= 1/28 so yes. the odds weren't one in seven. you got me. It was my hand.

1/7 (chance of getting a king) and 1/2 (chance of getting a higher than a nine).

Are these maths wrong?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Are these maths wrong?
Yes, because there is still the turn and the river to come. Keeping that in mind that any pocket pair of 10,10 or higher has outs that make for a higher full house in addition to K,10 or higher having outs that beat you. Then there's also the possibility of the other player being on a straight flush draw. I believe, you also could have gotten counterfeited if another 9 came on the turn or river, or just pushed if he turned over K,9.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Yes, because there is still the turn and the river to come. Keeping that in mind that any pocket pair of 10,10 or higher has outs that make for a higher full house in addition to K,10 or higher having outs that beat you. Then there's also the possibility of the other player being on a straight flush draw. I believe, you also could have gotten counterfeited if another 9 came on the turn or river, or just pushed if he turned over K,9.
i don't actually understand what you are talking about, but even if granted there are other hands, such as a flush, a full house still beats a flush. in fact it is the second best hand in the game. and to get a full house on the draw, and then to be beaten by a higher full house, on the final card. i still don't believe it whatever you can say.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
you dont understand. i had a full house k 9 in my hand, and it was a kk9 on the flop, so i thought the game was in the bag.and went all in, as you would do, and he beat me with a better full house, k a, on the turn. What are the chances of that. Sorry mate, it's bullshit. that game is rigged to fuck. i have read lots of stories of this exact thing happening to other players, so im not convinced. I'm actually quite happy to go to a real casino, and take some real money, say £50, and see if i can double it.

god help me. god help us all

and god help this woman who i am about to see in just under two hours time, when she gets me under her roof!
Why is she going to need help ?


I don't care what this thread is about, the gifs on page 1 were worth the price of admission!


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
she didn't take my pants off, but with the pants still on, i think well i don't think it could have gone any better really. but i swear to god i think i need to stop taking that viagra, cos hell i think my balls have burst. They are giving me great pain/problems. also i gave her a killer cold, so at least she has something to remember me by. (whoops)