look, i went round to her house, she got me a piece of cake and cup of coffee, i gave her a kiss and a cuddle, i talked to her son, and i played fallout 4 with him on his xbox one, and told him how to glitch it, then i went downstairs and gave her another kiss and a cuddle, and then she had caught my cold virus, so was wrapped up, then i gave her another kiss and a cuddle, then i had to sit down because my balls started to really ache (i think i had too much chinese viagra before i came out), then i hobbled over to where she was lying, and gave her another kiss and a cuddle, then i got the taxi back.
That's a good result isn't it.
I told her sorry for giving her my cold virus, and she said that's okay. But apart from that, i really don't think it could have gone much better?