@karasu you are probably the best poster on this site but you are way off here. the president's role is so different from military and police. it is more cerebral. I don't want to miss out of a better candidate just because they can't do as many push-ups as another guy
the only pro to your idea is there would be an even lower chance of a female president. most women in their 50s in politics are not in shape
after dancing to some 80s tunes as I made the bedding and sorted the room I enjoyed a champion's breakfast of fancy ice-cream sandwich and espresso! The ice-cream sandwich used oatmeal cookies and ice-cream is made of milk so there were some good calories for energy conversion and it satisfied the pleasure process which is important to life.
Classical Trim is a masculine balance between feminine voluptuous and gay vanity ripped
the two separate threads was a much better format
each original title was very catchy to the subject matter
the different and separate threads was a much better format
each original title was very catchy to the original subject matter
Dont get mad that trump hasnt paid obamas debt yet
Doswhat does Obama have to do with this? How many years since he was President?
It's that you once again are posting the same old threads you shitted the other place up with. What's your major malfunction that you have to recycle the same exact threads over and over? Why do you do this? Is your brain capacity full and just the same topics have to be on repeat? It's just old and not funny.i'm guessing that NEGATIVE rating to my above post indicates a poor credit score