I don’t care what side of the field you come from, approaching this entire situation with a political mindset is down right disgusting. It does involve a political figure and a person claiming to be a victim. But bringing up your preferences of what color jersey you want in a chair regarding the verdict is asinine.
Leave it to 2018 politics to use a sensitive topic such as this for gain, which was the same thing they did with racism. Two families from this situation, no matter them being in the right or wrong, have taken permanent damage from this shitshow fiasco. Kavanaugh was not proven to be a rapist (oh sorry, a (r)apist because thats now a stupid thing), yet his ten year old has to deal with that ridicule. Fucking cruel when this could have been settled privately, as was Ford’s request.
Blaming the Republicans cannot go without blaming the Democrats for holding on and turning it into whatever the fuck that was.
This was at multiple times said not to be a trial, but lets be real, it was a mock trial. Thank goodness this wasn’t in an actual court of law. Given how many inconsistencies there were, would be a very short case. Grandstanding this and blowing it up for some political gain is a new low. Just sad
Leave it to 2018 politics to use a sensitive topic such as this for gain, which was the same thing they did with racism. Two families from this situation, no matter them being in the right or wrong, have taken permanent damage from this shitshow fiasco. Kavanaugh was not proven to be a rapist (oh sorry, a (r)apist because thats now a stupid thing), yet his ten year old has to deal with that ridicule. Fucking cruel when this could have been settled privately, as was Ford’s request.
Blaming the Republicans cannot go without blaming the Democrats for holding on and turning it into whatever the fuck that was.
This was at multiple times said not to be a trial, but lets be real, it was a mock trial. Thank goodness this wasn’t in an actual court of law. Given how many inconsistencies there were, would be a very short case. Grandstanding this and blowing it up for some political gain is a new low. Just sad