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Posting Machine
Jun 25, 2015
Good dogs man, I was actually doing some pricing calculations for a colleague who is a spastic that manages a Pet Insurance portfolio, Blue Heelers/Kelpies/Reds etc are real cheap to Insure because they are effectively mutts who you can hit with a Mac truck and they be fine after a good patt and play. Those stupid Sausage dogs are the worst. Something like 7/10 need high level vet care during their pathetic existences.

Nice dogs man
They are hearty lil fuckers.
I know exactly what you mean. Im just waiting for Jasmine to cost me money. My brother in law has a chocolate lab, she has had more than $10K worth of surgery.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
They are hearty lil fuckers.
I know exactly what you mean. Im just waiting for Jasmine to cost me money. My brother in law has a chocolate lab, she has had more than $10K worth of surgery.
We had a bull terrier/Blue cattle mix up on the farm, hardy as can be but very untrustworthy, had to chain him up as soon as you saw a car coming down the service road to the property. Most dogs give off some kind of warning before they bite like barking, growling body language etc but not Maki he'd almost do commando rolls to sneak up and bite people.

We had chickens start to go missing so we put it down to foxes. Maki would come along with me on my nightly patrols pretending to help look for the fox, darting in and out of the bush alerting me to noises he heard. Then one day I came back from checking the crab traps the back way and heard muffled sounds of a chicken skawrking, I head over to investigate and there's fucking Maki hiding in the long grass with a chicken in his mouth.

The piece of shit.


Posting Machine
Jun 25, 2015
We had a bull terrier/Blue cattle mix up on the farm, hardy as can be but very untrustworthy, had to chain him up as soon as you saw a car coming down the service road to the property. Most dogs give off some kind of warning before they bite like barking, growling body language etc but not Maki he'd almost do commando rolls to sneak up and bite people.

We had chickens start to go missing so we put it down to foxes. Maki would come along with me on my nightly patrols pretending to help look for the fox, darting in and out of the bush alerting me to noises he heard. Then one day I came back from checking the crab traps the back way and heard muffled sounds of a chicken skawrking, I head over to investigate and there's fucking Maki hiding in the long grass with a chicken in his mouth.

The piece of shit.

These things happen with thos heel biting little fuckers. He is like a stealth assasin. We live in track homes so there is no live stock to come up missing. He is around people and other dogs all the time. Im aware of the pros and cons of the breed. Im trying to take care of a few of em. Can we embed videos? I got some good ones of Max and Jazzy gettin down.

member 3289

Another picture of my cat. His favorite sleeping position is completely upside-down


regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
I'm so proud of this little motherfucker. he grew up with no bros from 20 days of age living in an apartment and still turned out to be everything that you'd expect from a cat. used the litter box from day one and never bitched about anything from spending two weeks in his aunt's house to getting needles stuck in him and shit...the little dude gives no fucks.

I learned a lot from watching Jackson Galaxy's show on Animal Planet is this guy any popular? every tip that he gives works.

member 3289

He/she looks like mine I'll get pics I'm camera impaired.
He. Let me know if you need help mang. Very easy to load pics right from your phone now using the add images button below the text box.

member 3289

I learned a lot from watching Jackson Galaxy's show on Animal Planet is this guy any popular? every tip that he gives works.
I've never heard of him but that doesn't mean he's not popular. Is he like the Cesar Milan of cats?

member 3289

how stupid am I...I got three links from one for embedding one for message boards and one url which one should I use?
The link to tinypic that you posted requires Flash, which most mobile devices don't have nowadays.

For images use, for videos use Neither requires you to set up an account


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
He. Let me know if you need help mang. Very easy to load pics right from your phone now using the add images button below the text box.
Yeeaahh I'm phone impaired too. It's a choice. Luck though I've a good memory. Here he is having evicted the dog, pity you can't see the underside he's very similar blonde on the belly.


member 3289

Yeeaahh I'm phone impaired too. It's a choice. Luck though I've a good memory. Here he is having evicted the dog, pity you can't see the underside he's very similar blonde on the belly.

Haha. The dog is probably 10x his size but the cat still sleeps on the bed lol


Posting Machine
Jun 25, 2015
Oh. I forgot. I have a cat. Ill try to find the reclusive old lady and take a pic. She is 12 and she has always been my daughter baby sitter haha.


Posting Machine
Jun 25, 2015

Thats our cat. Her name is Kitty. She is the Boss in the house, the dogs dont want nothin to do with her. She has always watched my daughter sleep and always lets me know when something isnt right.