Post pics of your pets here

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Feb 28, 2015

This is Vandalay. he was originally named Vanderlei but no one pronounced it right and it was changed. He's turning 14 this year and his age is catching up to him in a big way. I would sacrifice years off of my life to give him more. He's getting dementia, losing his eyesight, and gets really tired now. It's been a bad year.
Awwww, you guys are lucky to have each other! That's a lot of good years so just try to keep him happy and comfortable and loved <3


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
My husky puppy. She now weighs about 40 lbs more than in this pic.

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
Can I post pics of the critters that I've taken care of and/or subsidized here even though they weren't mine?

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
My mom's dog that never lets me get up once I sit down when visiting : Roxy

The 5 month old puppy that is now over 200lbs and barely a year old. Luther

Vicious attack dog : Nugget

A pug and her horse : Willow and Ivan

A drunken me and a dog - Shady


regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
These are some of the coolest pet pics I've ever seen we have the best pets in this community.

My girl recorded a great video of me and my cat having a make out session today I'll try to post it later (won't ever be able to do it on my phone)

member 3289


Haven't introduced them yet because one never leaves my apartment and one lives in one of the trees outside my work.

Also because one would probably fucking kill the other.


Deserves got nothing to do with it
Mar 19, 2016

Spot, Mac, Daisy. Mac is the tan female two years old, weighs about 85 pounds of solid muscle. She is the Alpha of the dogs. All three are pit bulls and are awesome with kids and anybody that comes over. Unless I'm not home then good luck !!