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Jun 25, 2015
Glad to know I'm not the only one who's terrible at naming pets. lol

Well, when we got her my (then) 2 year old son named her. It was supposed to be Nala (from lion king) but he named her kitty. 6 months later we got a Jack Russel Terrier and he named him Ruff lol. Unfortunately Ruff bit my son and I had to put him down. He was my homey and road dog, it was a very very hard thing to do. My wife didnt care for him much but I loved the lil guy.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
Jack Russel Terrier and he named him Ruff lol. Unfortunately Ruff bit my son and I had to put him down.
Hands down the worst dog around kids and I own one even though he lives with my stepmother, I wouldn't trust him for a minute with little kids he's a grumpy bastard. Sorry that happened.

Edit- and I'm a disciplinarian I don't even let him yap.

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
That's part of the reason I like cats so much. They are these atrocious little creatures that without any notice will fuck up your life or your house just because. I love when they give you dirty looks when you are just sitting there minding your own business. In the end though anyone that has a cat and truly pays attention to them can see what is great about them. Such vile little monsters that are so fun to have around, they are really great friends to have.
I love seeing how satisfied they stay just lying there staring at the walls. it looks like they're thinking about philosophy or running thru all the stuff they have to do in the day.


Jun 23, 2016
We had a bull terrier/Blue cattle mix up on the farm, hardy as can be but very untrustworthy, had to chain him up as soon as you saw a car coming down the service road to the property. Most dogs give off some kind of warning before they bite like barking, growling body language etc but not Maki he'd almost do commando rolls to sneak up and bite people.

We had chickens start to go missing so we put it down to foxes. Maki would come along with me on my nightly patrols pretending to help look for the fox, darting in and out of the bush alerting me to noises he heard. Then one day I came back from checking the crab traps the back way and heard muffled sounds of a chicken skawrking, I head over to investigate and there's fucking Maki hiding in the long grass with a chicken in his mouth.

The piece of shit.
Haha u funny guy, no way are Indian. No way.
Feb 28, 2015
The puppy I'm watching for my neighbors. I feel bad that in the coming weeks I won't be able to watch her 5 days a week since I'll be doing some camping and such. Took her to the farmer's market today and this was her super tired face on the way home from schmoozing it up with all the people



Oct 20, 2015
The puppy I'm watching for my neighbors. I feel bad that in the coming weeks I won't be able to watch her 5 days a week since I'll be doing some camping and such. Took her to the farmer's market today and this was her super tired face on the way home from schmoozing it up with all the people

Is that the puppy that was crying in the backyard?
Feb 28, 2015
Is that the puppy that was crying in the backyard?
Yep, same one. Her name is Ari, she's 12 weeks old now and has the biggest paws! This week they are gone 5 out of 7 days for 12-14 hours each day so I think that makes me a puppy nanny not just a puppy sitter haha. I think this will continue through Labor Day and then their summer business closes down. I don't think they expected to be so busy or unable to find staff to help. Bad timing on their part.

I won't be able to watch her as much the next few weeks and I feel awful about her being in a big old dirt yard by herself all day :(


Oct 20, 2015
Yep, same one. Her name is Ari, she's 12 weeks old now and has the biggest paws! This week they are gone 5 out of 7 days for 12-14 hours each day so I think that makes me a puppy nanny not just a puppy sitter haha. I think this will continue through Labor Day and then their summer business closes down. I don't think they expected to be so busy or unable to find staff to help. Bad timing on their part.

I won't be able to watch her as much the next few weeks and I feel awful about her being in a big old dirt yard by herself all day :(
Oh great, now I know what she looks like and it's so much worse. Nice of you to look after her though when you can.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016

This is Vandalay. he was originally named Vanderlei but no one pronounced it right and it was changed. He's turning 14 this year and his age is catching up to him in a big way. I would sacrifice years off of my life to give him more. He's getting dementia, losing his eyesight, and gets really tired now. It's been a bad year.