Lots of great pieces. Definitely worth a watch. Not oscar worthy. Should have been 20-30 minutes shorter.
The Dark Knight Rises
Yes I finally sat and watched this after life prevented me at the time, then everyone else had already seen it so wtg.
A seriously quality comic movie.
Omg the Indians and those French hunters. Who gives a flying fuck about them?
You would know this better than me, but it's supposed be freezing cold and Leo can just wade around in the cold water and not get frostbite or hypothermia? WTF is that?!
My biggest gripe is in the last scene before Leo lets Tom Hardy float down the river to the Indians he says "revenge is in God's hands." That really pisses me off. That should be left unsaid. Have some faith in your audience in figuring out why Leo did that.
The Water Diviner
On principle alone, this movie should be at least a 9 for an Olga Kurylenko appearance alone.
But because there wasn't "enough" of her, I had to bring it to a 7.
Heat is the pinnacle of movies? There's nothing more to ask of 3 hours of cinimatic pleasure once seeing this?
What happened to Vals character? Just got away? Cool....
Pacino walks in on a dude whos just probably banged his girl and just gets upset and takes his TV? Doesn't seem the likely response from his character at all.
Who the fuck gets a last second wheel man within minutes of a job? I expected more from such a high level team, guys been out for a few days and they feel it's time to cut him in on a few mil....
I did love this
Didn't mean to upset those few who feel this is as good as it gets, it was a great flick just not 10/10
Go rewatch it and remember you're in 2016 but be forewarned...
It's faults were enough that i couldnt see objectively rating it above a 6.5 but it is definitely an enjoyable flick. Moore is stupendous as always. Micheal Shannon was well cast and made me LOL a few times. Carell was Carell.