there are conflicting stories now. one says that conor is holding out for more money, while the other says its RDA.. frankly, I don't care whos holding out. fighters need to get paid. fighters need to understand that without them, there is no promotion. but there can always be a promotion when fighters are willing to scrap..
at the end of the day, the fighters have ALL the power when united.
im not a fan of conor, but if he is holding out. great for him.. if RDA is holding out, good get that money.
Side note: I don't fully agree with those who say that 'conor has ALL the power' over the ufc.. he has a ton of leverage, but he can only push it so far. the ufc knows that, although the competition is making up some ground, the second place mma org is miles behind.. if conor asks for too much and he doesn't play ball with the ufc, he could find himself on the sidlines for a while. idk how much a rizin, road or bellator could offer.. they could possibly offer him something nice if they all pitched in, but none have a ppv model(yet). which is why they go after tv fighters like Thomson and benson.
conor is a ppv fighter, and he demands a ton of money... but he needs to be smart about things.