I haven't even had the vaccine, but on Saturday, before I watched the man slamming action, my eyeball started leaking. Explain that, dipshit.yep. incredibly successful.
out of millions of doses.. ZERO DEATHS.
not one DEATH.
Well you worship China, and they rolled out their vaccine way faster and they claim to have zero deaths from their way less vetted vaccine- so why don’t you opine on that, you dickless puss-cake?
Flobbo dob dib dob dib gayboy.tam je stary procesor a vysoka cena, ale napriklad tento vyzera lepsie
Pretty sure I know what an RPG is.hypu ktorý dostal ešte dlho pred vydaním? Za mňa áno. A prečo mali ľudia také veľké očakávania? Jednoduchá odpoveď. Zaklínač 3. Masívne RPG s otvoreným svetom a neskutočným počtom questov.
Sorcerer.Pretty sure I know what an RPG is.
So what are you? A wizard?
I’m not arguing with you about the effectiveness and validity of the vaccine.I challenged that here were no serious reactions. I read a few had some adverse reactions that were unpleasant but they didn’t die which is awesome
I did no such thing.You just posted an article saying Hagler died from complications from the vaccine in your other thread. So how can we trust your research or ability to determine what is real or not?
Find me these posts I supposedly made and tag me. Then I’ll see who actually made them.But you just posted a meme with 2 NYTimes articles last week that supported a different narrative you have.
How can we trust what you say if you will use what ever backs up what your narrative is without actually looking into the information or the source?
I’m 100% for the vaccine and have not heard of any deaths directly related to it. I don’t post political opinions or ideals or what have you, pretty much ever.@gangsterkathryn
Approaching 4000 vax related deaths which is actually not that many. Notwithstanding long term effects the vaccine has not killed that many.
Dunno what you said mate. You wrote it in bollocks.Niečo podobné sa mi stalo s ich GTA-čkom. Pár zapnutí cez milión prihlasovacích okien a neviem koľko "tretích" strán v pohode (aktivoval som si to na Epicu), takpovediac bez zádrheľu. Nuž a nejaký random deň to jednoducho nešlo, s tým že som tam absolútne nič neprenastavoval. Pri ďalšom pokuse, na nejaký iný deň, to zase bežalo bez toho aby som to riešil. Trochu som vtedy gúglil, ale nenašiel som žiadne relevantné riešenie. A keďže som to aktivoval zadara, tak som sa s tým dlho nekakal. Každopádne ľudí čo nadávajú na ich social club som vygúglil dosť - to ti je asi ale prd platné