I will lower it to 95% for nowAre you set on the 100% or do you wanna lower that a tad?
Think about what that means.
I will lower it to 95% for nowAre you set on the 100% or do you wanna lower that a tad?
Think about what that means.
I mean, if Putin shill is something you want to add to your resume I guess that's your decision. Good luck with that.I will lower it to 95% for now
He loves right wing authoritarians he just can’t admit itI mean, if Putin shill is something you want to add to your resume I guess that's your decision. Good luck with that.
He dreams about em controlling him!He loves right wing authoritarians he just can’t admit it
Fite me!
You would have thought Luka had the Most Spastic Putin Puppet Dictator Award for 2022 in the bag, but here Kadsy comes from nowhere down the outside.@Nuk Soo Kow @Splinty
BBC saying one of the main reasons US intelligence knew a war was coming was Kadyrov sending voice messages about it.
"В районе Майдана или Крещатика танцы подготовим". Что человеку с голосом Кадырова докладывали накануне вторжения России в Украину - BBC News Русская служба
В распоряжении Би-би-си оказались голосовые сообщения, которыми накануне российского вторжения на Украину обменивались человек с голосом главы Чечни Рамзана Кадырова и человек с голосом зама чеченской Росгвардии Даниила Мартынова. Они обсуждают, как бойцы будут заходить в здания в Украине и...www.bbc.com
Obvious explanation is they’re tossing bodies out into nowhere.
View: https://twitter.com/oalexanderdk/status/1504543758204948493?s=21
Wait, the Russians are rounding up Jews to send them to death camps?
disarmament is a ridiculous request
UkrAiNe amBassAdor iS a hoLoCaust DeNieRWait, the Russians are rounding up Jews to send them to death camps?