General Russia Ukraine round 2 Price hike boogaloo

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member 1013

I know that you play up your love for Zolo for comedic effect just as I exaggerate your love for Zolo to better hang shit on you when he cosplays as Kim Jong Un.

Hence why when ol' mate jumps in thinking he's got me without recognizing that context, it makes him look like a spaz.
Quite frankly, you are a cyber bully. I still like you doe.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
i like to post zelensky memes, and I watched the first episode of Servant of the People last night (solid), but this whole I make it about him is another strange, self created fixation you have with me homie.I agree with you, he’s a super big meanie. Probably top twelve evil guys I’ve seen. Does that make you feel more good?
I've been holding back on a bunch of great Zelensky material out of respect to you. So, yes.

Deleted member 1


On November 14, 2007, Joe Horn, 61, spotted two men allegedly breaking into his next-door neighbor's home in Pasadena, Texas. He called 911 to summon police to the scene. While on the phone with emergency dispatch, Horn stated that he had the right to use deadly force to defend property, referring to a law (Texas Penal Code §§ 9.41, 9.42, and 9.43) which justified the use of deadly force to protect Horn's home. Horn exited his home with his shotgun, while the 911 operator tried to dissuade him from that action several times. On the 911 tape, he is heard confronting the suspects, saying, "Move, and you're dead",[3] immediately followed by the sound of a shotgun blast, followed by two more.[4]

An unidentified plainclothes police detective responding to the 911 call arrived at the scene before the shooting, and witnessed the escalation and shootings while remaining in his car.[3] His report on the incident indicated that one of the men who was killed "received gunfire from the rear".[1]

On June 30, 2008 a Harris County grand jury cleared Horn


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019

On November 14, 2007, Joe Horn, 61, spotted two men allegedly breaking into his next-door neighbor's home in Pasadena, Texas. He called 911 to summon police to the scene. While on the phone with emergency dispatch, Horn stated that he had the right to use deadly force to defend property, referring to a law (Texas Penal Code §§ 9.41, 9.42, and 9.43) which justified the use of deadly force to protect Horn's home. Horn exited his home with his shotgun, while the 911 operator tried to dissuade him from that action several times. On the 911 tape, he is heard confronting the suspects, saying, "Move, and you're dead",[3] immediately followed by the sound of a shotgun blast, followed by two more.[4]

An unidentified plainclothes police detective responding to the 911 call arrived at the scene before the shooting, and witnessed the escalation and shootings while remaining in his car.[3] His report on the incident indicated that one of the men who was killed "received gunfire from the rear".[1]

On June 30, 2008 a Harris County grand jury cleared Horn