Urban Dictionary: Young TurkWell let's ignore THE YOUNG TURKS name that they claim is a total coincidence.
Young Turk
Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations
The Young Turks of the Republican Party rallied to speak out against George Bush.
That's not good. Hopefully it's something he has grown out of from his youth.Someone critical of him:
Cenk Uygur, The Young Turks, and The Denial of The Armenian Genocide
Column: Historical Fact or Falsehood?
Letters to the Editor
So he did rescind the statements and admitted he was ignorant when he made those claims. I'm not really seeing what the issue is, especially since the criticism of the name of his show is an ignorance of the term Young Turk. I'd heard similar uses before. He probably felt it was a clever pun, being a Turk himself as well.Gets lambasted for the shows name and his holocaust denying last year as they became more prominent during the election...moves to "not knowing enough and not gonna mention it anymore"
Rescinding Daily Pennsylvanian Article
A year later, still doesn't know enough and just doesn't talk about it.
I would say that's a bit too little if we took a more known genocide such as WWII.
Deny deny deny...then after the criticism and your show being very public you say, "sorry, you're right, I don't know if the jews really died en masse or if its just propaganda."
That he could have been confused about it without really looking into it isn't that surprising to me, Turkey officially denies it happening, doesn't teach people about it, and actively produces propaganda about it not happening. Even being a Turk within the U.S. he would have familial ties to people steeped in this tradition of denial, and access to the propaganda himself, likely, from being able to speak and read Turkish.
He had probably forgot all about it, it was a few letters from two decades ago, yet, once it was brought up he admitted he was wrong. I'm not seeing a major problem here. As for not mentioning it anymore, I don't tend to bring up all the dumb shit I did as a 21 year old all the time, either.
Why he WAS a genocide denier. To keep calling him that after he rescinded it is intellectually dishonest at best, slander at worst.And yeah I'm aware of the issues inside of Turkey in denying the Armenian genocide. I don't doubt that's why he is a genocide denier.