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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Feds Ask Marjorie Taylor Greene to Account for Over $3.5M of Unitemized Donations
Between January and March, the Greene campaign received $2,558,631.61 in unitemized donations from undisclosed donors, while the campaign received another $967,045.73 in unitemized donations between April and June. The campaign reported a total of more than $4.5 million in donations during the same time period.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
What point do you think this makes, exactly?

I mean, I know you're not going to even attempt to articulate a line of reasoning, because why would you ever do that on a discussion board.

In related news that JakePaulsBeard won't so much as acknowledge, the IRS budget has been slashed by 20% in the last decade. Staff for audits and such decreased by almost a third during that time.

Think THAT might have something to do with the billionaire class skipping out on their tax obligations? Think maybe their lobbyists did this deliberately, with the enthusiastic, full-throated support of the Republicans and the tacit approval of the Democrats? And that a Sanders or Warren type might actually make positive change in that area? Naaaaaaaah, nothing to discuss there.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
What point do you think this makes, exactly?

I mean, I know you're not going to even attempt to articulate a line of reasoning, because why would you ever do that on a discussion board.

In related news that JakePaulsBeard won't so much as acknowledge, the IRS budget has been slashed by 20% in the last decade. Staff for audits and such decreased by almost a third during that time.

Think THAT might have something to do with the billionaire class skipping out on their tax obligations? Think maybe their lobbyists did this deliberately, with the enthusiastic, full-throated support of the Republicans and the tacit approval of the Democrats? And that a Sanders or Warren type might actually make positive change in that area? Naaaaaaaah, nothing to discuss there.

If people aren't paying their taxes now, they aren't going to start because the tax rate increases. That was the point and I thought it pretty obvious.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
If people aren't paying their taxes now, they aren't going to start because the tax rate increases. That was the point and I thought it pretty obvious.
Billionaires aren't paying their taxes now because the IRS' enforcement abilities have been deliberately crippled by that same billionaire class - for exactly that reason.

If the IRS has its budget and its auditing staff deliberately decimated for that very purpose, and if their computer systems are from the '90s because they've never been given money to upgrade, then no shit the enforcement of tax collection on the wealthiest citizens (who have the most complex and labour-intensive audits) will suffer.

Want to talk about that, though? Or who or what could begin to remedy it, and which party has made an active celebration of having a billionaire leader who boasts that he doesn't pay taxes, makes cheating his taxes a point of pride, and his base actually cheers how smart and awesome he is for that? In other words - want to talk about which party is proudly dedicated to making this problem worse, and which has a faction that is heavily invested in confronting it and addressing it?

Want to talk about any of that - to discuss the topic, in other words?

Nah, you don't. You just want to post stupid memes and be a trolling prick. And that's it.

That being the case - may as well just shut up and fuck off, eh? ?



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Billionaires aren't paying their taxes now because the IRS' enforcement abilities have been deliberately crippled by that same billionaire class - for exactly that reason.

If the IRS has its budget and its auditing staff deliberately decimated for that very purpose, and if their computer systems are from the '90s because they've never been given money to upgrade, then no shit the enforcement of tax collection on the wealthiest citizens (who have the most complex and labour-intensive audits) will suffer.

Want to talk about that, though? Or who or what could begin to remedy it, and which party has made an active celebration of having a billionaire leader who boasts that he doesn't pay taxes, makes cheating his taxes a point of pride, and his base actually cheers how smart and awesome he is for that? In other words - want to talk about which party is proudly dedicated to making this problem worse, and which has a faction that is heavily invested in confronting it and addressing it?

Want to talk about any of that - to discuss the topic, in other words?

Nah, you don't. You just want to post stupid memes and be a trolling prick. And that's it.

That being the case - may as well just shut up and fuck off, eh? ?

It's already been discusses at length by me and others, I believe in this thread. The IRS chooses to pursue the easiest convictions. Upping their enforcement will only up the amount of lower class people who they pursue.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
It's already been discusses at length by me and others, I believe in this thread.
You say this to me a lot.

Do you seriously expect me to trawl through six years worth of lounge posts, or six thousand posts in this thread, to check if JakePaulsBeard has ever commented on IRS budgets before?

And then go and do it again, every single time I want to reply to any post you make on any topic?

Just how fucking important do you think you are?

JakePaulsBeard said:
The IRS chooses to pursue the easiest convictions.
Yes they do, for several reasons, none of which you will address.

The most important being that tax returns from the billionaire class are by far the most complex, and require the most manpower and the most experienced enforcement agents.

Who are exactly the agents who have been decimated by the deliberate crippling of the IRS' ability to audit complex returns. What a coincidence, right?

By contrast, working class, paycheck to paycheck wage slaves have simple tax returns, millions of which can be processed automatically with no human even looking at them unless they're challenged.

Fair point?

Upping their enforcement will only up the amount of lower class people who they pursue.
And here we go. Here is the statement that kills any possible exchange. This is purely your feelings, and absolutely nothing but. You have offered no evidence to validate this statement, and you will not. Because you cannot. But if I dare to challenge it - that's it, it's over. You'll throw a little passive-aggressive temper tantrum, troll me a bit, maybe post a stupid picture, and we're done.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
You say this to me a lot.

Do you seriously expect me to trawl through six years worth of lounge posts, or six thousand posts in this thread, to check if JakePaulsBeard has ever commented on IRS budgets before?

And then go and do it again, every single time I want to reply to any post you make on any topic?

Just how fucking important do you think you are?

Yes they do, for several reasons, none of which you will address.

The most important being that tax returns from the billionaire class are by far the most complex, and require the most manpower and the most experienced enforcement agents.

Who are exactly the agents who have been decimated by the deliberate crippling of the IRS' ability to audit complex returns. What a coincidence, right?

By contrast, working class, paycheck to paycheck wage slaves have simple tax returns, millions of which can be processed automatically with no human even looking at them unless they're challenged.

Fair point?

And here we go. Here is the statement that kills any possible exchange. This is purely your feelings, and absolutely nothing but. You have offered no evidence to validate this statement, and you will not. Because you cannot. But if I dare to challenge it - that's it, it's over. You'll throw a little passive-aggressive temper tantrum, troll me a bit, maybe post a stupid picture, and we're done.

It kills any possible exchange because you realize that by any logical standard it's correct. There's a reason every exchange we have results in you name calling and chanting "troll" over and over again until you end up pinked.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
It kills any possible exchange because you realize that by any logical standard it's correct. There's a reason every exchange we have results in you name calling and chanting "troll" over and over again until you end up pinked.
Did I make a single valid point in any of my responses to you in this thread over the last couple of hours.

Yes, or no?



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
What point do you think this makes, exactly?

I mean, I know you're not going to even attempt to articulate a line of reasoning, because why would you ever do that on a discussion board.

In related news that JakePaulsBeard won't so much as acknowledge, the IRS budget has been slashed by 20% in the last decade. Staff for audits and such decreased by almost a third during that time.

Think THAT might have something to do with the billionaire class skipping out on their tax obligations? Think maybe their lobbyists did this deliberately, with the enthusiastic, full-throated support of the Republicans and the tacit approval of the Democrats? And that a Sanders or Warren type might actually make positive change in that area? Naaaaaaaah, nothing to discuss there.

The top 1% pay over 40% of all federal taxes collected.

You can look at that multiple ways - one of which would be the grotesque wealth disparity we have. But what you can't say is @Splinty and his sort don't pay any taxes. They do. A lot of taxes.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Keep your hands off my money, commie!!!
I'll mysteriously disappear you so hard that when you re-emerge in public in 3 months, you'll think you're a Chinese actress.