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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I get real annoyed when I hear people say someone is gay or trans bc its the cool thing to do

People are gay or trans bc its who they are
I don't believe that's the case for every trans person at all - particularly if they're teenagers.

It is absolutely a very trendy thing right now. It is very common for one girl to come out as trans, and then within weeks multiple other girls in her social circle announce the same. Teenagers try on and discard new identities all the time, that's kinda the point of being a teenager.



Who am I kidding? I’m a whore.
Amateur Fighter
Nov 15, 2015
I agree that my example was a bad one

But I disagree that it's a mental illness. I do think that exists within the world of these pronoun people. But the only non binary person I know is far from mentally ill

That opened my eyes to the fact that I was just ignorant

So I guess what I'm saying is be mindful of these people. They may not be as sick as you currently think they are.
You can be mindful while still being critical of what’s happening. This is a really strange phenomena we are witnessing, and it’s very clear that a vast(obviously not all) majority of people who are “transgendered”, or “identifying as x” are experiencing some sort of body dysmorphia, or looking for Attention by being “different/unique”.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
I don't believe that's the case for every trans person at all - particularly if they're teenagers.

It is absolutely a very trendy thing right now. It is very common for one girl to come out as trans, and then within weeks multiple other girls in her social circle announce the same. Teenagers try on and discard new identities all the time, that's kinda the point of being a teenager.

Totally. My stance is to let people figure it out on their own. If a girl wants me to call her he, I'll try to do that. And vice versa. Makes no difference to me

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
The girl who gets to college and makes out with other chicks at parties and experiments with lesbianism and then grows out of it as soon as she leaves college, is a well established trope. We all knew chicks who would make out with other chicks for attention, and now they're married to a dude and have two kids with him.

Nobody thinks they are gay just because they used to get drunk and make out with other women at parties while people cheered. That's considered just a part of the college experience.

Last edited:

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Totally. My stance is to let people figure it out on their own. If a girl wants me to call her he, I'll try to do that. And vice versa. Makes no difference to me

But will I prostrate myself in front of a 15 year old who is telling me that they are absolutely, 100% a male brain trapped in a female body? Will I automatically yield to every single one of their statements and demands, no matter how narcissistic or ludicrous? Nope, sorry, I will not. Just the same as I won't take it particularly seriously when any 15 year old suddenly adopts any gimmick and uses it to define his personality for the next year or two. ?


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017

But will I prostrate myself in front of a 15 year old who is telling me that they are absolutely, 100% a male brain trapped in a female body? Will I automatically yield to every single one of their statements and demands, no matter how narcissistic or ludicrous? Nope, sorry, I will not. Just the same as I won't take it particularly seriously when any 15 year old suddenly adopts any gimmick and uses it to define his personality for the next year or two. ?



Who am I kidding? I’m a whore.
Amateur Fighter
Nov 15, 2015
I've been spamming this website alot today. So this is my last one

Did you know that some people are born with female reproductive organs yet male genitalia. So is that a boy or a girl?

Rhetorical question. The point is, I previously looked at the world as binary. But its not. So some people are born men according you and I. But therrs something in their coding that tells them they are a woman. And vice versa

It's wild. Hard for me to truly comprehend that since I'm limited to my experience as a dude who feels like a dude and is obsessed with hot women

But theres alot of shit that doesn't make sense to me that's real. Like how is my phone sending data to this website? Sorcery is my best explanation
I understand you’re point, but the world is binary. There is a gigantic spectrum of that binary world though. There are very feminine men, there are very masculine women. They are both still men and women though.

I’m honestly in a place with the is stuff now where I just don’t give a fuck and I want people to be happy. But I do find it all completely ridiculous. I felt like chiming in today so I did. Don’t worry K @kaladin stormblessed, I love ya babe.


Who am I kidding? I’m a whore.
Amateur Fighter
Nov 15, 2015

But will I prostrate myself in front of a 15 year old who is telling me that they are absolutely, 100% a male brain trapped in a female body? Will I automatically yield to every single one of their statements and demands, no matter how narcissistic or ludicrous? Nope, sorry, I will not. Just the same as I won't take it particularly seriously when any 15 year old suddenly adopts any gimmick and uses it to define his personality for the next year or two. ?

I remember going through my punk rock phase, then the metal phase, then the exploring gender roles phase, then the classical guitar phase.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
I understand you’re point, but the world is binary. There is a gigantic spectrum of that binary world though. There are very feminine men, there are very masculine women. They are both still men and women though.

I’m honestly in a place with the is stuff now where I just don’t give a fuck and I want people to be happy. But I do find it all completely ridiculous. I felt like chiming in today so I did. Don’t worry K @kaladin stormblessed, I love ya babe.
Think about it this way. When you think man, you think wee wee. When you think women you think flower

If you asked a trans guy/girl (I don't know which is which). If you asked a guy who identifies as a girl if he has a penis, he will say yes. Because it's a fact

If you ask if he's a man. He will say no. But he's working with a different definition of man.

It's not about penis pussy. It's about something abstract related to chromosomes, hormones, enzymes, etc

At the end of the day, it's just a fucken word. I'd rather use the one someone prefers. But you do you, boo

Topics such as trans in sports and age to begin transitioning are much more important topics to study, debate, and learn about than the pronoun thing


Who am I kidding? I’m a whore.
Amateur Fighter
Nov 15, 2015
Think about it this way. When you think man, you think wee wee. When you think women you think flower

If you asked a trans guy/girl (I don't know which is which). If you asked a guy who identifies as a girl if he has a penis, he will say yes. Because it's a fact

If you ask if he's a man. He will say no. But he's working with a different definition of man.

It's not about penis pussy. It's about something abstract related to chromosomes, hormones, enzymes, etc

At the end of the day, it's just a fucken word. I'd rather use the one someone prefers. But you do you, boo

Topics such as trans in sports and age to begin transitioning are much more important topics to study, debate, and learn about than the pronoun thing
Can a men get pregnant and have a baby?


Nov 3, 2015
I am identifying as kaladin stormblessed from now on.

But the site doesn't let me change my name to it. Why the fuck are ya so backwards @Splinty?

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
If you asked a trans guy/girl (I don't know which is which). If you asked a guy who identifies as a girl if he has a penis, he will say yes. Because it's a fact

If you ask if he's a man. He will say no. But he's working with a different definition of man.
A trans guy is female to male.
A trans girl is male to female.

And he can be a man who identifies as a woman all he wants. Not my place to judge. But he's not a woman, and all the pronoun virtue signalling online won't make him one.


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I go to work, and when I come back you guys are "Prostrating" yourselves?

WTF guys, keep it together