Society The Joseph R Biden Show

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Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
After releasing reserves for political gain, the Biden Administration was supposed to have the reserves refilled by the end of 2023. He didn't because the prices were too high.

They just cancelled current plans to purchase some in March because...the prices were too high.

Everything this administration touches is littered with idiocy and corruption. I can't wait until these fuckers are all kicked to the curb.
There must be an election coming up.

Biden releasing gas reserves in an attempt to buffer his failed policies.

He'd release more oil reserves if he could. But he can't because he never replaced the reserves he released around the last election cycle.

Straight up CRIMINAL what he is doing to this country.

Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015
His brain is GONE.
I honestly think he'd be impeached if we didn't have Harris as a VP. He's completely incompetent.

What an absolute joke of an administration.
Dems support their own by hook or by crook. Votes aren't there and it's not because of Kamala.


Dec 15, 2018
Fuck him. People will say “don’t make fun of his condition”. Ok, then get him out and by the way, he’s been a loser cunt his whole career.
People are even making up complete bullshit to cover up for him like saying he has a stutter, his brain is still good, and/or that Trump is old too like that takes away from the fact that he's basically fucking weekend at Bernie's. Lots of the blame falls on his Cuntasaurus of a wife...