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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I literally gave you the exact oath they swear, from the website you yourself linked to.

What's the first sentence? Literally the first sentence of their swearing-in oath?

It's an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. THAT is their first loyalty. Just like I said.

There is no subject being discussed, mate. There's memes and gifs and deflections.

She wasn't removed from her position "for undermining the will of her constituents".

Again, you are either deliberately lying, or you are misinformed.

She was removed for undermining the will of Trump. Plain and simple. Her constituents have no say in her committee assignments. They vote to install, retain or remove her from office, end of.

And the reason that Trump wanted her removed, is because she refused to buckle under his pressure and publicly advance the false narrative that he won the election but it was stolen from him.

And you call that a healthy, functional democracy. It's Bizarro World. Again, are you really THAT dishonest? Do you sincerely believe this, or are you just trolling........ again? There is literally no way to tell.

I've tried to engage with you honestly. In turn you've responded with outright denials of facts and more, and more petty insults. This is why I've avoided interacting with your for the past week and this is why other posters don't take you seriously. The only person here trolling is you. You're very lucky Leigh @Leigh doesn't keep you on a short leash.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Hey, I am more than willing to have my beliefs challenged. More than willing.

Why is it that I have to jump through hoops to trick these clowns into backing their stupid memes with any kind of reality? (Which they won't do anyway, no matter what?) How about these snowflakes stop getting triggered and crying about their feelings being hurt, and bring something to the table other than garbage memes and obvious lies? Give me something to respond to, and I'll be a lot more respectful.

So angry.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I've tried to engage with you honestly. In turn you've responded with outright denials of facts and more, and more petty insults. This is why I've avoided interacting with your for the past week and this is why other posters don't take you seriously. The only person here trolling is you. You're very lucky Leigh @Leigh doesn't keep you on a short leash.
Your own link says that their primary duty is to the Constitution, as I stated.

If you're going to keep saying that their primary duty is not to the Constitution rather than the President or the electorate, then please back that statement up. If you can, I'll be happy to concede the point.


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Can these people please refrain from telling me I'm some random former poster who I've never heard of?

Also, can they please refrain from stupid trolling? I'm not posting stupid gifs just to troll people. If they don't want to talk about what is going on in politics but only want to have a nice little comfortable "Biden is senile" meme echo chamber, then this is not really a discussion thread, is it.

to whomever sees this, theres a valid point quoted here

John Lee Pettimore @John Lee Pettimore - you know where i stand. im with you on policy, but your responses are frequently personal in nature. thats no bueno

however, people should stop saying that you are someone else who has been booted from the forum, as that is also a form of personal attack



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Remember when they lowered the delegates to 1 so Bloomberg would be able to go to the final debate, but when he didn't get any and Tulsi had 4 or whatever they changed the number so she wouldn't be able to go?
They treat democracy as a game.
They move the goalposts when they need to.

Ask Bernie how that's worked out for him.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Well I consider someone replying to an on-topic, serious and reasonable post with an infantile gif, to be a insult. Especially when it's coupled with an admission that this was posted not to try to participate in a discussion, but simply to annoy me. That's not an insult? How about pinking someone for spam for doing that repeatedly?

Would you like a tissue?

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Remember when they lowered the delegates to 1 so Bloomberg would be able to go to the final debate, but when he didn't get any and Tulsi had 4 or whatever they changed the number so she wouldn't be able to go?

And that is the Democratic National Committee rigging their own organisation's internal politics.

Are you arguing that this is the equivalent of the Republicans clinging to the fiction that Trump won and it was stolen from him, and purging the party of any official who will vote to certify an election result, as according to their Constitutional duty?



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016

And that is the Democratic National Committee rigging their own organisation's internal politics.

Are you arguing that this is the equivalent of the Republicans clinging to the fiction that Trump won and it was stolen from him, and purging the party of any official who will vote to certify an election result, as according to their Constitutional duty?


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
You're allowed to post moronic trolling shit all day long, with no intent of engaging in any actual discussion.

But I'm not allowed to call you a moron troll for doing it.

Yeah.......... nah.

lol at "yeah .... nah"

bro. hahahha. you didnt make the rules

name-calling is not allowed here. but i have to do it just this once as an example.

Lukewarm Carl @Willthiswork is a moron. so most of his posts are moronic. but thats just my opinion. so when he writes his moronic posts, i can think that. i cant call him a moron though. and who knows, maybe others dont think he is a moron. maybe i am the moron


side note, hey Will !! Lukewarm Carl @Willthiswork



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
You're allowed to post moronic trolling shit all day long, with no intent of engaging in any actual discussion.

But I'm not allowed to call you a moron troll for doing it.

Yeah.......... nah.

You can call me a moron all you want broham.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
lol at "yeah .... nah"

bro. hahahha. you didnt make the rules

name-calling is not allowed here. but i have to do it just this once as an example.

Lukewarm Carl @Willthiswork is a moron. so most of his posts are moronic. but thats just my opinion. so when he writes his moronic posts, i can think that. i cant call him a moron though. and who knows, maybe others dont think he is a moron. maybe i am the moron


side note, hey Will !! Lukewarm Carl @Willthiswork


I'm new here. You guys have been here for years.

To me, stupid gifs in reply to on-topic posts, are an insult.

They tell me that the poster who is replying with stupid gifs, is just a troll who isn't here to discuss anything and isn't able to make a case for any of their opinions.

Hence memes instead of posts. Because if they had anything better than stupid memes, they would post that instead.

I don't have respect for spamming trolls. Come at me with something other than nonsense, and I will be far more courteous.

Come at me with stupid memes, gifs and Gateway Pundit links, and I'll be a dick. Because what the hell kind of response does that kind of shit warrant? How (and why) exactly am I supposed to respectfully respond to a gif of a baboon, or a one-line mocking "you're someone else that you've never even heard of, ha ha" post?



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I'm on a conference call and bored...




Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Canada has a holiday Thursday?
Why can't we have one on Thursday?

Thanks Obama Biden!


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Your own link says that their primary duty is to the Constitution, as I stated.

If you're going to keep saying that their primary duty is not to the Constitution rather than the President or the electorate, then please back that statement up. If you can, I'll be happy to concede the point.

No, it doesn't. You're conflating their job description with the oath they take. Their oath is to the constitution which represents the will of the people. As I previously pointed out to you, it's not a static thing, it's a living document intended to be interpreted and changed at the behest of the public.

If their job was to literally "protect" the constitution as you're suggesting there would never be any amendments or new legislation.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017

I'm new here. You guys have been here for years.

To me, stupid gifs in reply to on-topic posts, are an insult.

They tell me that the poster who is replying with stupid gifs, is just a troll who isn't here to discuss anything and isn't able to make a case for any of their opinions.

Hence memes instead of posts. Because if they had anything better than stupid memes, they would post that instead.

I don't have respect for spamming trolls. Come at me with something other than nonsense, and I will be far more courteous.

Come at me with stupid memes, gifs and Gateway Pundit links, and I'll be a dick. Because what the hell kind of response does that kind of shit warrant? How (and why) exactly am I supposed to respectfully respond to a gif of a baboon, or a one-line mocking "you're someone else that you've never even heard of, ha ha" post?

the gifs serve a couple purposes. since you've claimed not to like them, people are going to frequently respond to you with them. why? because people here like to get under each others skin

but thats not necessarily a bad thing. like my post about will. his name isnt even will and he's not a moron. he's my boy. but im just not that funny, so that type of humor is the best i got

and the primary reason for gifs is because underneath every political, mma, or other discussion, theres always room for humor. we can certainly discuss shit, learn, and grow as humans here. but is that the main point of the site? ... most people are primarily here just to chill with some homies. and gifs are great way to get someone to smile/laugh and shit

ok, im gonna stop being corny

i dont even care about anyone here

here's to everyone